Chapter 20

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Eleanora didn't know if she made the right decision or not but she somehow escaped out of the mansion.

It must be because her brothers weren't present at home and the security outside didn't have their guards up but in either way, it was beneficial for her.

She had already told one of the maids that she was exhausted and going to sleep. So that, she will prefer that no one disturb her.

She took a cab and it took her only 20 minutes to arrive at her destination. Looking around anxiously, she took a seat on the chair. One of the waitress came to ask her what would she like. Just to calm her panicking nerves, she ordered some cold coffee but she couldn't bring herself to drink it.

It felt too hard to take a sip of it.

For next 20 minutes, she sat there looking around cautiously. She deliberately left her phone at home, so her brothers wouldn't somehow trace her location. It didn't mean that she came unprepared here.

In her bag, there was a pepper spray, a stun gun and a pocket knife. Each of these things were gifted by Lucifer in case she came across someone with bad intention and Nora knew bringing them along with her was a right decision.

At exact 6:25, she found a note on her table. She glanced around in confusion while trying to search who placed it here.

After gathering some courage, she unfolded it and started to read.

~Go to the bathroom.~

Her heartbeat skyrocketed and her hands started shaking.

'Why was this happening to her?' She asked herself.

She left her coffee intact there and made her way to the bathroom while clutching to her handbag.

She entered inside the empty bathroom and cautiously looked around.

There was a swish of air behind her. It made her abruptly turn around to look but there was no-one.

Just as she turned around to look, she was harshly slammed back into the wall and a arm was strangling her. It knocked the breath out of her.

She looked up to see two guys wearing ski-masks were standing in front of her.

"Goodgirl that you came here." One of them spoke, running his hand through her side.

Their touch sent a shiver down her spine.

"Do you know who we are?" Second one asked who was literally strangling her at this point.

She slowly shook her head.

"We are Assassins." Her eyes widened.

"And the mission given to us is assassinate your brothers." She stilled in fear.

"Did you see the news today or do you even know where your brothers are at this time?" Nora didn't need to see that they both were smiling creepily under their masks.

"Your older brother Vincent is shot multiple times and he is under critical surgery right now as we speak."

It felt like ground slipped from underneath her feet at his words. Her bag slipped out of her hold in shock and fear.

"He is fighting for his life. Don't worry, he won't die. We can assure you that but in return, we want you to do something for us."

"W-w-what?" She choked out in terror and worry.

"In your older brother's study, there's a special file kept. We need you to bring it to us. You have three days, Eleanora. If you don't manage to bring it to us, everyone will be killed. And, we will be starting by your little bestfriend Anastasia. We will kill her in the same way your brothers killed your parents."

Nora flinched but shuddered in disgust when he lifted his mask up a little to crash his lips against her. His partner chucked cruelly at him.

Leaving her slumped down against the wall, they jumped out of the small window attached to one of the wall near ceiling. How did they manage to fit through the small window was albeit disturbing.

At some 7:30 in the evening, she sneaked in the mansion. But she didn't anticipate finding Alexander inside. He looked at her with narrowed eyes.

"What the hell are you doing here? Weren't you sleeping in your room?"

Nora swallowed in fear at his words.

"Chè. I don't fucking care!" Muttering to himself angrily, he pushed past her while subtly glancing down at her bag. 'So, she has guts to sneak out.' He  rolled his eyes but somewhere he was amused.

Nora stared at his back with a somber look on her face. Her father did not even care about her.

Making her way to her room, she sat down on the bed and grabbed her phone.

Her eyes went wide in shock after seeing a message from Lucifer.

'If you wanted to go somewhere, why didn't you atleast inform anyone. You know it's dangerous outside. Anyway, Elijah is not here so one of the guard will be following you. Don't worry, he won't disturb you but he will just be outside in case of any danger.'

She checked the time and noticed that it was sent at the time she sneaked out.

So they knew. Lucifer didn't really sound mad at her from his tone. It was almost like he was scolding her gently.

How was she supposed to bring that file under her brothers' watch now? And second, she was extremely worried about Vincent. She could not even ask her brothers about him because they will ask her that how did she get to know if they didn't tell her and knowing her brothers' personalities, they will want to keep Vincent's condition secret from everyone and her too until they want.

Sighing softly, she lied down on the bed and curled her body feeling helpless as a lone tear rolled down her eyes.

Her Seven Deadly Brothers (Part 1 and 2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ