(17) A T T E M P T

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Two days later, Serenity and Serena were back to their posts being Eleanora's personal maids. Accordingly, William had punished them in his way by making them do hard extra chores for last 6 days. They weren't allowed to see Eleanora.

According to them, nothing could be ignored in Crimson's family. But what they didn't tell Nora was that William was equally cruel as Alexander by assigning hard duties for 20 hours and with only a single small meal per day. Just a plain bread and one glass of water.

Eleanora felt wave of pity inside her heart as she observed how skinny both of the sisters had become in just the span of six days. She wanted to confront her older brother but she had no courage inside her to face him. She was scared to go in front of him.

Just two days ago, when Damon kicked a pregnant Rosetta out, the fake gentle facade on his face wiped away. He proved that he was equally cruel and manipulative. But Nora wasn't able to understand, why he was always acting like a gentle, warm person in front of her. Bipolarity was in his nature that was definite sure.

Nora sighed finally gripping her mind to force sleep and to stop thinking all about these crazy things. Her mind's attention suddenly fixed on her father. The last time when she saw him, he looked so broken but at the same time determined to stop William from taking her away from her old life.

A single tear rolled down her cheek as she remembered his struggle, the look of incapability to protect her. He so badly wanted to save her from William's dark clutches but he wasn't successful.

She let out a shaky breath and blinked her tears away with a promise that she would never forgive William from taking her away from her old life.

Her hand unconsciously moved towards her hip where that horrible scar was. A frown overtook her features as she thought back to those days. She would always be a curse on others.

Before her emotions overflow again, she gripped herself and closed her eyes. She waited impatiently for the sleep to take over her consciousness but it never happened. After few tries, she silently screamed out in frustration and kicked the duvet away. These feelings were worse. Her stomach was twisted in knots.

In the darkness, her hand reached for her sleeping pills in the bedside drawer. She shook the bottle slightly to confirm. She didn't bothered to turn the lights on to see how many pills there were in her hand. Some managed to scatter down on the bed.

She gobbled them down her throat dryly. It must be four or something, she wasn't sure. It was risky but she wasn't in the right state of mind to think about the consequences and just wanted a long night sleep and desperately away from those haunting thoughts.

Her mind couldn't stop playing those same horrors in front of her eyes, she wanted to forget them so bad. Her heart was clenching in guilt and regret. There was nothing much she could do right now.

Few moments later, her stomach suddenly started hurting and her body cramped up. She was getting sleepy but it also felt like her body was fighting the overdose of pills. It was never happened before. Maybe because she never overdosed like this carelessly.

The cramps in her stomach got worse and she hardly managed to turn her body to vomit all over the floor.
She was getting sleepy and at the same time she was forgetting to breathe.

Her body jolted awake in panic response and she started gasping for air. It was like drowning on air. It hurt bad and it was scary.

Tears started streaming down her eyes as she started gasping more to breathe.

Was it her end?

Hades was passing by the same hallway, a blood covered blade hanging loosely down his fingers as he walked whilst yawning loudly after each ten seconds. The tattoos on his bare chest was tainted in blood and his white dress pants was also tainted in blood of someone. He looked careless and sleepy at the same time.

The smell of blood wasn't something disgusting for him, his appearance didn't made him cringe, he grew up by playing in this blood.

In eighteen years of his life, blood was the only his real mate after his twin Angel. He was obsessed with its scent.

Oh how much blood he had shed in these years? Might be enough to create a fucking river.

Killing was his profession and he was so much proud of it.

The one thing he loved in his profession was torturing others and watch as the red liquid drip out of that poor person flesh.

It was satisfying to watch.

His feet freeze suddenly when he heard some sounds coming out of the Eleanora's room. Seeing no guards stationed outside her room, angered him.

Without any second thought, he twisted the knob and opened the door. His eyes made contact with the darkness inside the room.

His brows furrowed when he heard the sound of her chokes.

His fingers immediately moved forward to press the emergency button of the lights, on the wall beside the door.

"What the hell?" He murmured under his breath when his eyes made contact with her pitiful state.

She was passed out on the bed with her hands clutching her stomach. Tears were keep flowing down her closed eyes and her breaths were pretty slow. The bottle of her sleeping pills was on the floor near his feet.

It wasn't like Hades pitied her or something. He just simply didn't cared about her. Watching her dying, didn't brought something reaction from him. He was just annoyed. He never liked the idea of bringing this girl at home much like his other brothers. But he never went against William's words, so he just kept quiet.

"Not again!" He rolled his eyes. He fished his phone out of the pocket of his jeans and informed William about Nora's condition.

After hanging up, with a irritated less amused look he gazed down at the dirty floor and then at the scattered sleeping pills around her.

"If you so badly wanted to die, you could have asked me, little sister. I would have given you a quick, clean and easy death." He chuckled one last time and moved out of her room, without the care of world.

Her Seven Deadly Brothers (Part 1 and 2)Where stories live. Discover now