Chapter 12

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Eleanora's eyes fluttered open slowly. Her eyes first made contact with a white ceiling. She turned to look around the room and it seemed to be some hospital room.

She tried to lift herself up to sit but the pain in her ribs and arms stopped her. She slumped back down with a small sigh.

She blinked her eyes while trying to remember how did she get here, that's when she found herself reminiscing last night's memories.

Her brothers were there. There was lot of shouting and the man who had made her hostage was killed but he said something about killing them along.

That time, the barely conscious Nora hardly felt someone lifting her in their arms and jumped out of the window and just then the whole building blasted.

Nora winced again.

Was her brothers alright? She couldn't help but ask herself in worry. It seemed a little odd but Nora later understood the reason 'why'. She had grown attached to them.

Sighing, she again lifted herself off the bed while gritting her teeth in pain. She stood up on her trembling legs and slowly walked towards the door.

Nora's hand was about to wrap around the knob to twist it open but however it was yanked away from her reach as the door pulled open.

She looked up in the identical eyes of her brother, Damon. He smiled at her. Nora wasn't even surprised at seeing the pure gentleness and warmth radiating in his eyes.

Still not speaking, he wrapped a arm around her waist and slowly lead her back to the bed.

Nora grimaced at the pain exploding in her ribs as she sat down. Damon seemed to notice it and he rubbed her back soothingly.

He let her lay down on the bed and gave a pat on her head making her look up at him.

He motioned with his hands at her and the bed. Nora understood that he meant that she should stay in the bed.

She nodded feeling like half pouting at the dreadful situation. She hated feeling so weak and in pain.

"Where are others?" She asked softly. Damon smiled at the worry that shone in her eyes.

He gave her a thumbs up indicating her that they were well.

"H-hunter too?" She added.

He slowly nodded. Nora sighed in relief but let out a small cough that almost made her wheeze at pain in her ribs.

He moved immediately to grab some water for her and lifted a straw near her lips to take sip of her drink. She nearly smiled at his rushed moves. It seemed like he was highly alert and ready to take on every situation.

She managed to drink a little and then lay down on the bed while shutting her eyes.

"How long will I have to stay here?" Nora mumbled.

Her eyes opened when she felt his fingers running through her hair. She looked up at him and smiled faintly.

"It feels nice." She whispered and closed her eyes.

Soon she found herself dozing off again. Just as she blacked out completely, she felt a pair of lips pressed against her forehead gently.

"Get well soon." Her brows furrowed slightly at the unfamiliar voice but it must be her imagination, thinking this her remaining consciousness succumbed back to complete darkness.

When again Eleanora woke up, she noticed someone's presence in the room. She squinted her eyes to look clear and sure it was Lucifer. He was sleeping on the couch present in the room.

Her Seven Deadly Brothers (Part 1 and 2)Where stories live. Discover now