8️⃣ Chapter 8 8️⃣

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At School

Peters POV:
And again I could see her dark and cold Blue eyes. Everyone got scared and looked at her with a 'what can I do' look. "Get out of here! Maybe it's getting Dirty in here." She said to us and nodded to me. It was the sign for Spiderman... I think... Everyone runs out of the room and so do I.

I ran outside and to a spot where no one could see me. I slipped into the Spiderman Suit and started to swing around. After a few seconds I got into the classroom where Y/N was fighting against Ming.

"Spidey, get these people out of the rage." She told me, I nodded and run out of the room. "Hey Guys, get out of here! Go into the Lunch Room!" Everyone listened and ran to the Cafeteria.

At the Stark/Avenger Tower

Tonys POV:
I was in my lab when I got a call from the Kid. "Mr. Stark, we got a Problem!" "Did you lost her again, or what happened?" "Well, no! Here is someone who wants her." "Okay, I'll send you Speedy!" I hang up and call Pietro. I explained him the Situation and he ran away.

At school

Your POV:
I stood in front of her and hoped that Peter got everyone in a save place. "What's wrong, soldier? Are you tired? I should be you! I should have get these Serums! I-" I throw a Ice Ball at her. "Stop talking about you, you ugly rat!" I was slightly annoyed.

"Let me guess Hydra sent you to catch me?" She nodded. "Oh well, I don't want to kill you. So go and tell them they can forget that!" "Oh, Darling. It isn't that easy!" "Don't call her like that!" I heard Peter at the door.

He shot a web at her but she rolled away. Ming stood up and went to the Window. "Next Time I will bring them your Dead Body, Y/N!" And with that she jumped through the closed Window. Peter and Me ran to the now broken Window and looked down.

"Fuck! She is gone." I said. "Hey, you okay?" Peter asked me. I nodded and hugged him. Then I heard some people yelling. "Why are you here, Quicksilver?" "Y/N, you know you should call me Pietro. And I'm here to support you both. But I think I'm to late for that." "Yeah, we should take a look at the others." I said and both of them agreed.

At the Stark/Avenger Tower

Steves POV:
After a cold Shower and some rest Time I decided to go to Tony because of the fact that I saw Pietro in his Mission clothes. "Hey, Stark. I thought we would talk about new Missions." "Oh hey Captain and yes, we will. Pietro goes on a Mission at the Midtown High. Peter asked me for help but everything has to be fine 'cause he didn't said something else. And Pietro is back in the Tower. Go to him and ask him!"

I nodded and walked away. I waited in front of Pietros Room. "Hey, What's up Steve? Your daughter is a good fighter." "Is she alright, Pietro?" He nodded and I let out a sigh. "Okay, thank you for the information." I walked to my own room to lay down and rest a bit.

Nats POV:
I was with Wanda in the City. We were shopping for Y/N's Birthday. Only some cool snacks and decoration. We knew her favourite colour was Silver with some dark blue and red. She loved those colours. Red and Blue because of Spiderman. Of course me and Wanda knew that Y/N had a huge crush on Peter.

And Silver because her favourite Animal are wolves... oh and her own horse Silverstone MX Zero. He looked so big and tall. He had Silvergrey shiny hair and beautiful ocean blue eyes. Y/N loved him. Everytime she was sitting on him, she looked like a queen and of course she rode like one.

"Do you think we have everything?" I ask Wanda. She shook her head. "No, her present. I think she will love it." The present was from Wanda, me and Yelena. She couldn't come because she was on a big Mission. So we 3 bought her a really cute horse blanket with a wolf on it.

Oh and it was dark blue with red stitching. So we put all of her favourite colours in it. After 5 or 6 hours we headed home and put everything away. Then we walked into the kitchen to make Lunch for everyone.

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