1️⃣1️⃣ Chapter 11 1️⃣1️⃣

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On the way to the Stark/Avenger Tower

Peters POV:
I was walking to the Tower, when I heard footsteps behind me. I stopped and looked behind me. Huh? There was nobody. I turned around and started walking again. After a few minutes I heard footsteps again. This time I didn't look back but I speeded up. So I was literally running away from the thing that was behind me.

Suddenly I was stopped by a young woman. And I knew her. It was Ming the fake teacher. "Peter! If I was you, I would be silent and I would get me in there." She pointed to the Stark/Avenger Tower. "Well, I can't do that!" "Oh, then I have to kill you and the teenage soldier." Then she start running to me with a knife in her hand.

She was just a few steps away from me when she suddenly felt to the ground. "Parker, is everything fine?" I saw Hawkeye. "Yeah, thank you!" I helped him to get her to the Tower. When we arrived there, I get immendantly a hug from the Girl I loved.

"Are you okay, Pete?" Y/N was so cute. She looked at me with puppy eyes. "Yeah, I'm alright. She couldn't hurt me because of Hawkeye." I said and we both stand there for a minute hugging each other. "Lets go to my room." She said and I nod, then we both walked to her room.

Meanwhile in the Meeting room

Steves POV:
"What should we do with her?" Bucky asked. Well, I don't know. "Lets kill her! She wants to kill us!" Pietro stated. "No, she wants to kill my daughter. And I really would kill her but we can't. We get her into our Prison and wait until she is awake." I said. "Okay, lets do this." Nat was the first one who agreed. After that everyone else agreed also and Bucky and me dragged the Girl to the Prison room.

"Did you saw your daughter hugging Parker?" Bucky randomly asked. What? When? "No... " "Oh really, they would make a cute couple." A small laugh escaped his Mouth. "Seriously, Bucky?! You know what I think about the Spidey Kid." I said with a serious face. Why he had to say that? Just why?!

"Hey Steve, you know that you can't seperate them. Especially because of Natasha. You know, that they are like mother and daughter. Nat would do anything for her." "Yeah, I know. I just don't like Peter that much." I said. Bucky rolled his eyes.

Your POV:
We were sitting in my room with all the books we needed on the floor. "Okay, you know, that we are not really here for studying." "Yeah, I thought that." Pete said with a little laughter. I quickly interrupt his laughter with a kiss. His eyes widened at my action but he immendantly kissed me back. This ends a little Make out session.

We pulled apart when we heard a knock. "Come in!" I said a bit annoyed. The door opened and revealed... Bucky? "Hey Peter, Stark is searching you. I don't know why but I would go. He looked a bit scared." Peter nodded and gave me a smile. "I hope it's okay if I go to him, Y/N?" I nodded and he went to Tony.

"So little Princess, come and tell uncle Bucky about your Prince." "Eww Bucky!" I said with a disgusted look. "Hey, I won't tell your Dad. So come on..." He gets interrupted by Nat. "Y/N? Can we... Bucky?" "Yeah, Nat?" Bucky blushed a bit. I think Nat didn't see it but I definitly saw it. He is into Nat! "Y/N can we talk about your... yk?" "Yeah, we can! Bucky we will talk later, alright?" I said with devilish smile. He nodded and left my room.

"Did you both kissed?" She asked me right after Bucky left my room. I nodded. "Well, alright. Then I have another thing we should talk about your Birthday. When do we go shopping? You need to look extra good for your really first big Party." "I... uh... lets go shopping on Friday. After school. And I mean right after school."

"Okay, who will come? I mean you can invite your friends. We celebrate in a big place. I mean you wanted something like a homecoming for your 17th Birthday. So we borrow something like a big hall." "I know, thank you for that. We will go shopping on Friday after school." I told her and he nodded.

Then she gave me a small kiss on my head and left my room. I was glad she overheard that I wasn't answering her Question. I don't found much friends during the time I was Actually at school.

When It Went Wrong (Avenger Fanfiction/Peter Parker X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora