Wolf Moon

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Wake up sweetie. Breakfast is going to get cold." Maxine or Max Finstock hears her mom turn off her alarm before pulling her blanket away from her. "Come on, I spent all morning making you and your father your first day of school breakfast." Amy Finstock tells her daughter.

"I'll be down." Max groans as her mom's blows her a kiss before shutting the door. Max groans as she checks her phone to see a few texts from Lydia Martin about what to wear today. "Typical Lydia." Max grunts before hopping out of bed.

After quickly getting ready in a simple black skirt, a striped long shirt tucked in and her red hair curled matched with black booties, Max finally heads downstairs to see her parents talking as her dad scoffs down his breakfast.

"Save some for the rest of us." Max teasingly says as she walks over to her parents greeting both of them on the cheek as she steals the toast from her dad. "Good morning to you too, Maxine." Bobby mutters as Amy puts another piece of toast down for him. "This is why I love you." He says as he takes a bite of it.

"Sure, not because we've been together since we were eighteen or that I birthed you a daughter. Only because I make you toast." Amy says causing a chuckle out of her daughter as Max pours herself a cup of coffee.

"That too."

Max looks towards her mother as the two laugh at her father's antics. Max's phone buzzes causing the girl to grab her coat and bag, "I gotta go, Lydia's here. "

"You're not riding with me?" Bobby asks as he stares at his daughter. "You always ride with your dad." Amy says with a sigh. "Sorry, but I'm sixteen. Riding to school with my dad isn't that cool anymore. "

"Well, will you be home for dinner?" Amy calls out. "It's my first night free and I wanted to celebrate the start of the school year. I'll be home from the Sherriff's office around five."

"I'll see you then. Love you!"

"Love you." Both parents call to her as Max shuts the door before running into Lydia's car. "Super cute." Lydia comments as Max gives her a smile, "I know. Now drive before my parents make us take a photo like we're five."


"I'm serious Lydia. This is year is going to be different I can feel it." Max tells Lydia as the two arrive at Beacon Hills High School. "Sure Max." Lydia says sarcastically, "This is the year where you finally leave do something reckless."

"It is!" Max yells as the two girls get out of the car. "As long as you don't ruin your reputation, I'm fine with whatever you do." Lydia says as she links arms with Max. The two girls chuckle as they both turn to face the school.

"Ready?" Max asks as Lydia starts to walk, pulling Max along. Max and Lydia hear a chorus of 'hello's' from classmates as the two queen bees of the school make their entrance.

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