Shape Shifted

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Take a deep breath

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Take a deep breath.

Hold on to something that will bring you back to the present.

The feeling, that pain will go away when you open your eyes.

Max opened her eyes as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her therapist words coming back to her as she fell back to her fifteen year old girl. She tried to think of all the good things happening in her life that could outweigh the bad. Lydia was home. Lydia was safe. Allison and Scott still found a way to be together. Peter Hale was dead. She had Stiles.


Never in a million years would Max think that a simple name from a simple boy would bring her a sense of security. "Max?" Her name is yelled followed by a knock, "Honey?"

"One second." She says as she pulls down her shirt to see her bite, expecting it to still not healed but instead it's covered. "What the hell?" She mutters as she reaches up to touch it and feels some sort of sand. "Max!"

"One second!" She yells as she brushes the mysterious sand off of her to see her bite healed. "Maxine, I don't like you alone in there." Amy says. Max groans as she pulls her shirt back up and opens the door. "What's up mom?" She asks walking out to her room. "Stiles is here." Amy said watching her daughter start to frantically grab things around her room. "Is everything okay?"

Max nods as she pulls on a cardigan, "Yeah. Yeah, just cleaning my room. He's super early." She mutters trying to walk past her mom but Amy grabs her daughter's arm pulling her back, "Maxine. If something was wrong, or you felt at all trapped, you would tell me, right? You don't have to be with him just because he's on your dad's team."

Max scoffs as she shakes her head, "It's not like that again, I promise you. Now would you please let me go save my boyfriend from dad?" Max asks walking down the steps with Amy following.

Both Finstock women stand and stare as Bobby and Stiles have a stare off. Stiles was mostly trying to avoid her dad's stare as Bobby snickers, "So, you're dating my daughter? You haven't done anything, have you?"

"What- what do you mean?" Stiles stutters, "You haven't-"

"Dad!" Max screams walking down to them, "I'm so happy you have a car." She tells Stiles pulling him out of her house.


"You really don't remember anything?" Allison asks as her and Max walk with Lydia. "They called it a fugue state, which is basically a way of saying 'We have no idea why you can't remember running through the woods naked for two days.' But personally, I don't care." Lydia tells both of them.

"Really?" Max asks, adjusting her bag on her shoulder. "I lost nine pounds." Lydia says as Allison and Max both chuckle. Max looks over to Allison, before glancing at Lydia, "Are you ready for this? It's totally normal to take an extra day and adjust."

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