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"I said get away from her

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"I said get away from her."

Max stands face to face with her grandmother as she holds a younger girl in her arms. She kneels down next to them, recognizing the photos of her mom. "You aren't taking her. You can't. I won't let you!" Her grandmother, Marian, yelled at her.

Max looked at her confused, not understanding why she was yelling at her. "Grandma?" Max asked.

"We don't have a choice. Someone in your bloodline needs to have powers to fight the Nogistune."

Max looks to her side to see the Phoenix next to her as she talks to her grandmother. "Not my Amelia, please." Marian begs, "You already took Elizabeth from me. She just lost her sister she doesn't need to be a pawn in your game."

Max looks over to see a teenager laying lifeless in her grandfather's arms. "Grandpa?" She whispers confusedly about what is happening around her. "I could make a deal with you." The Phoenix offers. "What is it?" Marian asks with tears in her eyes. "Your first granddaughter. Your daughter for her daughter."

"No." Her grandfather, Samuel, whispers. "Marian, you can't be considering this." He says looking over to his wife. She looks down to her injured daughter in her arms before nodding. "I'm not losing another daughter. We don't even know if she'll have a daughter."

"She will." The Phoenix tells her softly. "Just - just take her memories away of her sister dying." Marian begs. "I'll give her the memory of me so she can be there for her daughter and I'll take away Elizabeth but you will answer any questions she has. I won't see her again for many years."

The Phoenix stands up as she walks over to Elizabeth's body. She waves her hand over the body as it turns to ash and disappears making Max's grandparents start to sob.

"Mommy?" Amelia asks waking up in her mother's arms. The Phoenix disappears leaving only a circle of burnt ground underneath her. "Where did she go?" Amy asks, looking around. "She's gone." Marian whispers. "She won't' hurt you."

Max wakes up in a cold sweat as her phone rings next to her, "Hello?" She asks turning on the light. "Max? I think you need to get to Stiles' house." Scott tells her. "Scott?" She asks, looking at the clock, "It's late. Whatever you two are doing just tell me in the morning."

"Stiles is in trouble."


Max ran into Stiles' bedroom to see Scott, Isaac, Lydia and Aiden standing there. "What happened? Where's Stiles?" She asks looking at everyone. "Someone answer me." She said her flames growing.

"He didn't want us to call you." Scott told her, "But," He trailed off as everyone looked at the bed. Max took a step forward looking at the red yarn tied to a pair of scissors that had been stabbed into the bed. "He used red for unsolved cases." She said. "Maybe he thinks he's part of an unsolved case?" Aiden suggested, "Or is an unsolved case?" Isaac said as he glanced around.

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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