Lunar Eclipse

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"Lydia please stop pacing

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"Lydia please stop pacing." Max groans as she sits back watching Lydia pace, "You're giving me a headache." "Is it supposed to be taking this long?" Lydia stressed, looking over at Deaton.

But before Max could say anything, all at one, their eyes snapped open and they sat up, surging back to consciousness. Water splashes across the floor as they each grasp for the edges of the steel tub, pulling themselves up. "I saw it- I know where it is." Scott said as one-by-one they scrambled out of the tubs soaking wet.

"We passed it, there's a stump, this huge tree, not huge now it was cut down but big. Very big."

"It was the night we were looking for the body-"

"The night you were bit by Peter."

"I was there too. In the car with my mother. We almost hit someone."

"It was me- you almost hit me." Scott said. Max grabbed two towels from Isaac as he went over to Allison and she gave one to each of the boys. "You good? You're okay." She questioned Stiles as he nodded giving her a smile. "I'm good."

Max nodded as she took a huge breath of relief. She helped Stiles out of the tub as she wrapped the towel around him, helping him warm up. "We can find it." Scott said, bringing Max's attention back to the room. Deaton, Isaac, Lydia, and Max share a look far less hopeful. "What?"

"You guys were out a long time." Isaac said and Scott looked to the windows to see that it's still night. But Stiles is the first to realize, "How long is a long time?" He asked worriedly. Deaton glanced at everyone before sighing, "Sixteen hours." Max blurts out. Stiles looked down to Max, his eyes wide.

"We've been in the water for sixteen hours?" Scott asked and Deaton nodded, "And the full moon rises in less than four."


Stiles shakes his head at Scott as Max starts to pace in front of him but he pulls her to the side making her stop. "No, dude. You're not going back to them." He said and Scott shook his head, "I made a deal with Deucalion."

"Then let me go instead for you!" Max says, "You went earlier but now it's my time to take the fall." Stiles scoffs causing everyone to glance between the couple. "You're crazy if you think that I'm letting you go to the man and woman who want to use you. They'll kill you if it means not having you on their side." Stiles told her.

"Why's it matter anyway?" Isaac asked.

"Because I still don't think we can beat Jennifer without their help." Scott said, glancing around at all of them and Max nods in agreement. "He trusts you more than any of us. Tell him he's wrong." Allison said, looking over at Deaton.

"I'm not so sure he is. Circumstances like this sometimes require you to align yourself with people you'd normally consider enemies." Deaton said.

"We're supposed to trust him? The guy who calls himself Death, destroyer of worlds." Isaac said and Deaton shrugged slightly, "I wouldn't trust him, no. But you could certainly use him to your advantage. Deucalion may be the enemy but he could also be the bait." Deaton said.

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