Motel California

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A school pulls into the parking lot of the Glen Capri motel, doors swinging open as Coach and his cross country team disembark

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A school pulls into the parking lot of the Glen Capri motel, doors swinging open as Coach and his cross country team disembark. An exhausted Scott and Stiles step out, followed by Allison, Lydia and Max. "I've seen worse." Scott shrugged and he glanced around making Stiles look at him crazy, "Where have you seen worse?"

A whistle blows and Coach holds up a handful of room keys in front of the students. "Listen up! The meet's been pushed 'til tomorrow. This is the closest motel with the most vacancies and the least amount of good judgment when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves! You'll be paring up- choose wisely. And I'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you little deviants! Got that? Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves!"

Max stood next to Lydia as they both looked up at the motel with a concerned look. "Feels, like we're stuck in a movie." Max chuckles. "Lydia?" Allison asked causing both girls to look at Lydia with raised eyebrows. "I don't like this place." Lydia said. "I don't think the people who own this place like this place. It's just for a night." Allison said with Max nodding in agreement.

"A lot can happen in one night."


"So you just were on fire?" Lydia questioned as she stood in the doorway of the bathroom. Max splashed her face with water before nodding. "It's weird, right?" Max questions. "Does Stiles know? I mean it took him a little bit to know about you know who." Lydia whispers. "Also took you a while to tell me. Your best friend.

"I thought you loved me."

Max's eyes flash orange as she looks into the mirror, hearing his voice again. She splashes her face once more before patting it dry. "He knows. Scott and I went to his house afterwards but I went up cause my dad was expecting me. And I didn't tell Stiles and you for good reason." She said turning around to Lydia.

"Allison knew before me." Lydia mutters. "Scott told her. I had nothing to do with that. Since when did my personal business suddenly become our friend groups business?" Max yells at her.

"Come on Max."

"I'm just saying maybe you need to open up some more." Lydia tells her. "You lie to your boyfriend, your best friends, and your parents. When is this going to stop Max?"

Max's wings light up as she glares at Lydia and feels herself start to burn.

"Max!" She hears Lydia's voice but her mouth doesn't move. Max gasps as she feels water hit her and she falls into the shower - the ice cold shower. She looks up to see Allison and Lydia standing over her both worried about her.

"What just happened?" Max asks as she accepts the towel from Allison. "I don't know you were just standing there and your face was on fire. And you," Lydia took a step back as she showed Max the sink, "You burned the sink."

Max stands up as she starts to shake and she drops the towel on the floor near the beds. "No, no. We were talking and you were yelling at me." Max stutters to Lydia as both Allison and Lydia watch her, scared for her.

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