Second Chance at First Line

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Max takes a seat on the bleachers as she waits for lacrosse practice to start

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Max takes a seat on the bleachers as she waits for lacrosse practice to start. "Max," Jackson says running up to her, "About what you saw last Friday," Jackson trails off by Max raising her hand stopping the boy from talking.

"Jackson, you may be my best friend and you may be dating the one girl in this whole school that I can tolerate but if you try to ruin my dad's team one more time because of you being petty, I won't hesitate to hurt you." Max whispers as Coach blows the whistle signaling practice to start.

Jackson nods as he puts on his helmet causing Max to laugh as he runs away. "Let's go! One - on - one's from on top. Jackson take a long stick today."

Max sits up as she stares at Scott in line as drills run. She hears for her dad yelling at Greenburg to take a lap, honestly, she knows that guy deserves it. He was the only guy that no matter how many times Max shut him down would always hit on her.

"McCall, what are you waiting for? Let's go." Coach yells as Scott stands still in line. Max gets to the edge of her seat as Scott runs to Jackson and gets body-slammed by him. Max gasps as she quickly gets up as she runs to the edge of the field.

"Hey McCall, hey McCall! Coach laughs as he walks over to Scott on the ground. "McCall's gonna do it again!" Coach announces as he walks back over standing right next to his daughter. Blowing his whistle, the drill starts one more time. This time with Scott body slamming into Jackson. Scott runs away from him as he kneels over in pain.

"Oh my god! Jackson!" Max yells as she and the rest of the team rush over to him. Coach blocks everybody from crowding Jackson as he groans in pain. She quickly stands up to find Scott as she catches him and Stiles running into the locker rooms.


It was the next day where Max was cornered by Lydia as she told her what her dad told her. Scott's not playing the game. Lydia huffed as she quickly got a smirk on her face showing her best friend.

That smirk turned into Max talking to Scott and telling him to play the game. Because Lydia did say that she is Jackson's and hers best friend and she would do anything for them.

Yeah, Maxine really heated her life right now.

"McCall, Finstock. Go to the board." Max and Scott both go up to the board and start to walk on the math problem. Max, sighs as she tries to figure out how to handle this situation but with one glance to Scott she can tell that he's nervous for whatever she might say to him.

"Why is there a rumor going around that you're not playing tomorrow?" Max glances over to Scott, "Cause I'm sort of not."

"I think you sort of are." Max states as she finally realizes what this could mean for her dad, "Especially when you brutally injure the team captain, my best friend, and my best friend's boyfriend by ramming into him."

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