Wolf's Bane

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"Faster?" Max asks as  she looks ahead of her, "Much faster

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"Faster?" Max asks as she looks ahead of her, "Much faster." Scott and Stiles both answer as she slams her foot on the gas pedal. "Hold on tight boys." She mutters as she switches gears driving Derek's Camaro.

"I find it strange that you are enjoying this so much." Scott mutters catching Max with a smirk. "Maxine, I don't think you're grasping the concept of a car chase here." Stiles says as he looks back to see Kate Argent on their tail. "If I go faster, I'll kill us."

"If you don't, they're going to kill us." Stiles tells her causing Max to glare at him. "I seriously hate you." Max mutters as she picks up speed and she drives straight ahead. "Max." Scott groans out.

Stiles and Max haven't been the same since - since she ended things very quickly. She hasn't been the same besides talking to Scott more and more. He ws the only one that knew, he was the only one that watched Max fall apart seeing Stiles doing what she asked.

Flirting with Lydia.

Sure, it's been difficult seeing the guy she was hard core crushing on flirting or trying to flirt with her closest girlfriend but she got through it. It happened once and it could happen again. She'll make it through it.

"They're gone." Stiles says, causing Max to glance back. "Eyes on the road, Finstock." Stiles points out as he turns on a walkie talkie, "All units, suspect is on foot heading into the Iron Works." The Sheriff's voice rings out in the car.

"Copy that."

Max starts their drive towards the Iron Works as she pulls up next to Derek. "Get in." Stiles opens the door as Derek runs in, stealing the passenger seat avoiding shots from Chris Argent. Max looks forward to spot Allison's father with a gun. She immediately starts to drive away as soon as the door is shut.

"Why is she driving?" Derek asks as Max speeds away, "I know how to drive shift. Learned from my grandpa." She spits out quickly. "What part of laying low don't you understand?" Scott yells at Derek. "Damn it I had him."

"Who the Alpha?" Stiles asks, "Yes! He was right in front of me and the friggin police showed up." "Oh, hey, they're just doing their jobs." Derek glares at Stiles as Scott pulls the boy back.

"Yeah, thanks to someone who decided to make me the most wanted fugitive in the entire state."

"Can we seriously get past that? I made a dumbass mistake. I get it." Scott yells back to Derek. "Hey dumbasses, I am trying to drive away from getting shot at. Can we please take it down a notch?" Max huffs out.

"How did you find him?"Max asks looking over to Derek. Derek looks at her before glancing back to the two dumbass boys shaking his head, "Can you try and trust us for at least half a second?" Scott asks as Stiles leans forward once again, "Yeah, all of us." Max pushes Stiles back as she tries to avoid them getting eaten alive by Derek. "Or just them. I'll be back here."

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