4 Episode 1 (4/4)

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Every step, every fucken step hurt, my head felt like it was in two. The thumping in my head made me think someone was in there trying to escape.

My stomach, bruised. The pain felt like no other, obviously no matter how much pain I get put through it wouldn't compare to that day.

Vander was talking to Claggor about what happened, while I just wanted to get home and lay in my bed.

I felt so light headed it wasn't funny. The blood coming out of my head calmed down a bit, but it was still bleeding.

Head wounds usually bleed a lot anyway.. My thoughts were scrambled. We neared benzo's shop.

Vander took the sack off of Claggor. "No one enters." He opened the door and looked at me. He was holding the door open for me..

He gave me a small smile, I responded by going in. Benzo looked up from what he was doing.

"We're closed." I continued to walk over to Ekko and tap him on the shoulder. He looked up at me and excitingly got up hugging me.

"N/n!" I hissed at the pain in my stomach, he pealed off of me. "Are you ok sis?" Ekko has looked at me as an older sister, ever since I got here.

I just nod, I can't find my voice right now, I was hurting to much. Benzo's voice was heard. "Ekko. What's going on with that thing?" Ekko had a spanner in his hand.

"Give me a few seconds. The cannon pinion's still busted." I smiled at him as he crouched down to start fixing it again. He was really good at fixing stuff.

"Finish it later. Vander and I need a word." Ekko looked past me at Benzo. "But..." Benzo shook his head.

"Off you go." Ekko grunted and threw the spanner, he picked up a couple of boxes exiting the shop and talking to Claggor.

"And you young lady." He was referring to me, I turned around to face him. "Go to your room, don't come out until I say so. That means leaving, you're staying here. So to put it simply, you're grounded."

I was in disbelief. "What! You can't..!" I was cut off by Benzo a little more angry. "You will listen to me! You will go to your room! And you will stay in there until I say!"

My stomach starting hurting again, my head pounding. "I did nothing wrong! You can't do that to me! I don't have to listen to you..!" I was cut off once more with benzo slamming something on the counter.

"Y/n! Go now! Don't argue with me!" I was so angry, tears threatening to spill, so I stormed off to my room slamming the door. I layed down stomach first, ignoring how much it hurt and I just cried into my pillow.


Tears stained my pillow as I layed on my back, the blood from my head now soaking into the pillow.

A small boy snuck into my room, concern plastered on his face. "Sis I heard what happened.. are you ok?" I looked over to him a year falling down my cheek.

"My stomach is bruised and my head is bleeding, but it's alright.." I sat up holding my stomach wincing at the pain. Ekko quickly came over to me, he looked at the back of my head.

"Y/n... I think Benzo has some supplies it will help you.." I looked at him, and I hugged him, ignoring the pain.

He was shocked but soon hugged me back. "Ekko.. I love you, you're the best brother I could ever ask for... But I'll be alright..."

He backed off and wiped a tear off my cheek. "Benzo's just worried for you, he's scared he'll lose you. He looks at you like a daughter. The day he picked you up he thought that. He was worried when he found out what you did. That why he was in the shop waiting..."

My chest felt tight, thinking back to what I said hurt me. Why did I say that to him...

Benzo then came in. I didn't know what to say, but he didn't care he just hugged me but made sure he didn't hurt me.

"I understand, you were just hurt. But just know I will always love you like my daughter, no matter what." That made me cry more.

He wiped my tears, Ekko and Benzo just worked to wrap me up what needed to me being careful not to hurt me.

"You can leave the house and this room Y/n. I was a little bit over the top with that" I just smiled and hugged them both.

"I love you guys so much"

"We love you too N/n"

Happy new year to the southern hemisphere! And happy new years eve to the nothen!! Love you guys!

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