34 END (11/?)

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There's some perks with being hated. If you were to Just drop off the edge of the earth, disappear, no one would notice or even really care.

Do whatever you want, however dangerous or not, no one would care. They may get pissed but then again, everyone can be a little pissy at times.

If I could I would go back and in woulda just stayed in piltover. Why? Don't get me wrong I loved meeting and being everyone.

But being dead would be so much better than this hell forsaken World we live in. I wouldn't even really call it living. More like surviving as much.

Some people are privileged with strength, beauty, brains or just skills. Me? I was blessed with being an absolute bad charm.

I've been hunted my entire life, this is nothin new. Though I wish it was. Being 10 and having a gun shoved in your face is traumatic as is.

But being hunted for just trying to survive is another type of bullshit. My thoughts have been racing a lot recently.

Sevika got me like she wanted to for a long ass time. She has me strapped to a chair in a dark ass room.

She knows how to break me even more, just let my mind do it itself. Pretty smart really, you get someone with a fucked up mind, just chuck em in a dark room, tie them down and let it all unfold.

Since you can't move you can't protect yourself, it gets your flight response to trigger more. Even if you have a fight response you can't do shit.

You're brain resorts to the next best thing. Screaming. Maybe, just maybe it'll scare whatever's trying to get you.

In reality, nothing's there. You're just imagining everything, but your brain doesn't take it like that.

You're under attack while you can't move. No matter who you are you're gonna be fucken scared.

You may love the dark, but that's the time the mind does some weird shit. What can you do though?

That's why I pick at my skin, make myself feel pain, it distracts the mind. Interesting part is why?

You're hurting while your mind is fucking with you thinking your about to get your throat ripped out, so why does it help?

"This is some bullshit!!" Couldn't of said it better.

As a human you're destine to either fuck up in life or do something fucked up. As an early adult life had already been to traumatic.

But there's two types of people in life, successful people, and people who give up.

Everyone can be successful, but some people give up to easily. They fail then say fuck this! It's to hard! Then there's people who didn't give up.

They're generally the people who are on the road to success or have already become successful.

They fail and they say, shit this is hard... But I really wanna get it right. So they keep pushing. You may have been born with a healthy body, fit for enforcing but still the body has to go through training.

But me, I alternate. That's why I'm a nobody. Not everyone who alternates is a nobody, just me.

Suddenly the door had opened and Sevika walked in. I looked up at her, hair falling in front of my face. 

She walked over to me bending down to get eye level with me. "Does having a tantrum?"

"Ha you wish."

"That's what I hate about you, you think you're so tough cause' you keep pushing through the pain, but you're not!"

She grabbed my hair and pulled it back making me winced. Her face was awfully close to mine.

Some may say that what I did was disgusting but I thought it was necessary. I spat in her face. But oh boy did I regret it.

It took her a second to render what happened before she pulled my hair back making my head slam back into the chair, making me grunt.

"You're fucken disgusting! I'm gonna gut you like a fish you filthy whore!" That night didn't end well...
Hopefully two chapters are good enough to make up what I missed this week, but more are coming tomorrow, hopefully.

Love you all!! ❤️❤️❤️

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