33 END (10/?)

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Next thing I knew, I was getting dragged around in restraints. I was made to wear a blindfold and have handcuffs around my wrist.

I had Caitlyn and Ekko holding an arm each. Vi thought it was unfair I was getting treated like this, she made a fuss about it.

She even held me in her arms, shielded me away from them, tried everything in her power to fight them off as they manhandled me.

Multiple of the firelights held her down and I was treated like an object. I hear she scream for me before she was locked in that horrid room.

Who knows where I'm now headed or even if I'll live through this. All I know is both of them weren't happy with me.

Well, If I die no one will miss me anyway, I'm hated by most people around here, or anywhere really.

I guess the only person or people that would miss me is Vi, Jinx and maybe maybe Ekko. I wouldn't be upset if I died today though.

Life had been hell and if I could just be released of that it would be amazing. But life isn't like that. You can't always get what you want.
"Like you wanted, now leave us and this place alone!" Ekko spoke first, I was pushed into someone.

"We kept our promise, now you keep yours!" Caitlyn spoke next, god she pissed me off, but her voice, that aggregates me even more.

I was slouched over exhausted from just everything when someone pulled my arm straightening my posture up.

A hand was placed on my chin making me face up. "Thanks, she's been bad recently... Picking fights, now I'll leave you alone."

I could recognise that voice anywhere. I started to squirm around, hit, kick or do whatever I could to get out.

"Wait no please! Ekko I'll do anything please! Please!" I was desperate, I didn't want to go with Sevika.

I didn't know what she wanted, or would do with me. The thing I did know was it wasn't gonna be good.

The blindfold was ripped off my face, my eyes met Sevika's. "What? You don't like me much do you?"

That lead to a glare by both of us. I looked away, but she aggressively grabbed my face ripping my view back into hers.

"Oh no no no, you do what I say now, you don't have a mind of your own." What I didn't know was Ekko was panicking behind me.

He was scared, not for this place, but for me. This was the first time in a long time he saw me scared.

The first time in a long time he saw fear laced my face, shake in fear. "What... What are you gonna do with her?"

Sevika looked back at him pushing me to the ground and stepping on the handcuffs holding my hands together.

"Why does that concern you? You said you'd give her to me if I leave this place alone, so there's no need to worry."

She looked back down at me struggling to try and get up. "After all... She's in good hands, I've looked after her for 7 years. The years you never even bothered to try and get her."

She pulled me up and dragged me out. "Now if you don't mind me, I'm taking my prize and leaving." And with that, we left...
Hey guys, sorry for the late update, school has fucked me over and I've just been tired all week, this I've written half asleep so sorry for the mistakes.

Love you guys! Take care of yourselves!!

Missing You { Vi x Reader }Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum