17 Blackout Time (2/?)

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Many fights I've been in. All I have won. Well that's a lie, but I like to think I've won all of them.

None has left any permanent marks on me, never, no one. Expect Sevika, she's the reason for all my scars.

I have one on my bottom lip right side to clarify, it was her. One through my left eyebrow and proceeds to go down through my eye and onto my cheek.

That one was an 'accident'. It didn't effect my eyesight due to the shimmer making my eyesight a thing.

Though it does look pretty fucken sick. When people ask me at the bar I always say I was fighting this ugly ass hag and she pulled a knife. I didn't expect it and she cut me.

I always make sure Sevika's in earshot to. I love to get her riled up. She's so fun when she's mad.

She would be so much better if she didn't work for Silco. But the one thing she throws around, like always.

'Remember I'm the one who gave you that scar, I can easily reopen it for you.' like I get it, you're a big girl using big girl threats now just shut the fuck up.

One time I hung out with a shimmer addict and she got mad, so she fought me. The dirty dog pulled my hair. That's when I had it decently long.

I cut it after that, the only reason why she wins fights against me is because she fights dirty, she can put shimmer into her arm anytime she wants, I have a time period.

She's taller and older, now I know she can't control that but still, she's so god damn annoying.

When we were younger I had a huge crush on Vi, I acted a bit to old for my age. Sometimes I would get thoughts in my head, then I couldn't look Vi in the eye.

Sevika found out and quiet literally made what I was thinking true, but with her. Most of our 'fun time' I don't consent to. But I can't fight her off, she's to strong.

And there's way worse pain and consequences that come when I try to fight her. I'm kinda use to it now.

But one thing I'm amazing at, is lying through my teeth. It's like a hobby of mine.

I've tried to off myself a couple of times but I've failed, I've blamed it on street fights, again with lying.

The only reason I don't try harder is cause of powder or also known as Jinx, I don't want to leave her here alone.

God I wish Vi was here to make it all better... And to make it so much easier...
I down another shot.
Bye guys! Love you! You're beautiful!

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