10 Episode 4 (3/3)

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One minute I'm sulking about what happened with Sevika and I, next minute I'm sneaking around piltover with Jinx.


Anyway we're gonna steal a shiny orb thingy. Fun... I'm gonna get killed.

Jinx made me set up her bombs, audio, while she draws her little logo and goes steals the orb.

If my dumbass doesn't get these bombs set up fast enough, without settings one off that is, someone will see us and we'll be caught.

The last one was set and I ran out. Jinx lit the place up and we ran into the shadows. The enforcers ran to the rescue. What lousy hero's.

Just on que the bombs went off and all enforcers flew back, dead. All accept one. "You're look out, just so I can get out without getting caught." I nodded at Jinx's words.

I walked out into the open, jinx walked into the tent while I looked around. I noticed a blue haired girl struggling, she was hurt.

I walked over to her pulling out a dagger hoisted on my thigh. Crouching down to the girl, she looked straight into my eyes.

"Do you wish for me to end your misery and pain all at once?" Holding the dagger up and tilting my head the girl looked at the dagger than back at me.

She shook her head, poor girl, so scared, so weak.

I chuckled a bit before looking back down at her. "Alright, here a souvenir." I placed the dagger into her hand.

She looked at her hand then back at me, she was fighting to stay awake. "Look after that, it was a present to me but now it's a present from me to you."

I look her dead in the eyes, my face softened naturally, I knew what it was like to be in this position. "You can pass out now, you're safe, you said you wanted to live so I'm giving you a second chance."

I smiled at her. "Don't fuck it, you'll only get one chance with this investigation, but do us a favour. Remember me." I stood up as she gripped the dagger once more and passed out.

"Y/n! Let's go!" I looked at jinx then back at the girl on the ground, than ran after Jinx.
We went back to Jinx's place and was just chilling. I was practicing my knife throwing skills since that's all I'm good for, since Silco is to afraid to give me a gun.

Jinx was blasting her music, Silco came in and that was my que to leave. I slipped out and left.
Caitlyn POV

What a strange girl, she just asked me if I wanted to live than let me live when I said yes...

She also gave me this dagger. It has her fingerprints all over it. Is she not afraid of me taking the fingerprints off of this and tracking her down to arrest her.

I suppose I wouldn't though. She did spare my life. She said something about a second chance to. How did she know I was doing an investigation as well?

She looked so... Nice? But she was with that blue long hair girl, she also had metal plates on her chest and hands? I wonder what that's about.

Her hair was short, she has scars on her face and it looked like she was missing fingers... What happened to her?

I wonder if I'll ever see her again...

Well that's a new POV I normally don't write in first person but aye it's a new experience for us all.

Well this story was the first, first person POV and idk how that's going but anyway. Bye guys love you all!

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