8 Episode 4 (1/3?)

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⚠️mentions of sexual activity⚠️

So... I've discovered something...
Sevika is 40 years old, so I don't get cancelled I'm aging her down.

I also found out the time skip was 7 years, so Vi would be 22 and Jinx would be 18, since Y/n will be a year younger than Vi she'll be 21, and I'm making Sevika 27-28 I know that's 6-7 years older but to stick to the story semi I need to make her ...

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I also found out the time skip was 7 years, so Vi would be 22 and Jinx would be 18, since Y/n will be a year younger than Vi she'll be 21, and I'm making Sevika 27-28 I know that's 6-7 years older but to stick to the story semi I need to make her a little older.

Yeah... Enjoy!

I'm alive, somehow. I remember waking up to to a bright light. Everything was extremely blurry and black dots in my vision. I could hardly see.

I heard a fair voice gradually getting louder. I started to panic, my breathing got heaver, I tried to move but I couldn't, I much to.

A soft comforting hand touched my arm, her voice was shakey, she sounded old. "Sweety, don't move to much, please..."

"Who are you..? Why can't I see? Why does everything hurt..?" I felt a comforting hand on my shoulder, it was light so it didn't hurt me.

"Don't you remember what happened honey?" Memories flashed through my head like a flash of lightning, my head was hurting but I couldn't move my hand to put it to my head to comfort it.

I winced causing the old woman to pull away. "Yeah... I remember... But that doesn't explain why I can't see... Why is there black dots in my vision? Why is the rest blurry..?"

"Something must of gotten into your eyes... But don't worry I'm having someone to come here to help you, I promise you'll be okay..."

Soon the sound of a opening door was heard. The Worman left my side. "Thank you for coming as fast as you could! You said you had something that could help her... Please..."

The woman sounded desperate. "I suppose I do have something..." That voice! I started to try and move but it didn't work.

"No! Please! Stop moving! You'll make yourself bleed again!" I was crying, I couldn't hold back the tears but darkness soon enfolded me.

It was peaceful, was this death? Maybe. It was so calm, I wanted to be here forever. But nothing good can remain forever.

It's been 7 years since that accident. That man, that someone she knew to help me was Silco. How did he help me?

Well he didn't technically, he ruined my life, twice in the span of 2 days. But he did save my life, how? Well it's a complicated answer to that small question.

Metal plates were put over my body, wires inserted into my body pumping shimmer to keep body parts moving and not die and makes me see.

So where are these metal plates? One, across my chest; that makes my eyes work. Two on my shoulders; makes my arms work. Two around my breasts; keeps my organs alive and well. Two on the top of my hands; that's to make my fingers move that got taken off.

That's all for the upper body.

Two on each hip; those are quite loose so I have a sorta belt I have to tighten, though if it comes loose it won't fall off, it would just be uncomfortable. Two on my ankles; to make my feet work.

Now shimmer gets pumped around my body in the little wire tube type things, it mixes with my blood. Only small amounts gets administered each hour, but sadly I have to move quite a lot or my body starts to spasm and twitch due to too much shimmer.

I had to fake my memory loss so Silco wouldn't take any bracelets or jewellery off of me.

The old lady fixed it, but sadly she's in a better place now... I use to work at a brothel, that's how I got info on Silco and got money for Martha.

So I lot my virginity at a young age, 14 go be exact. That year the incident happened and Martha took me in was when I first lost my virginity.

It was to an old gross man, I killed him, he was no longer in use to me, I got all the information I needed...

But due to some casualties with the plates that someone did to them, who exactly? Sevika. That metal arm is a pain in the ass.

But due to me not working Silco didn't get paid and he got the chance to kill her... Than Sevika took me under her wing just so she could use me as her own sex toy.

I had to quit my job at the age 17. Her gambling, I would have to be there. I would have to be with her all the time, some times were exceptions like missions.

I be with powder a lot, I now have to call her Jinx, I hate that name. But she was going out on a mission today, and I was in the last drop, that was my other job. A dancer.

Sorry I haven't updated a lot but ye! I hope you liked it! Bye!

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