35 END (12/?)

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3rd person POV with Vi, Ekko and Caitlyn

"Why the fuck would you give her to Sevika!? Sevika of all people!" Vi had a go at Ekko, she wasn't very happy at all.

"She was going to destroy this place!"

"Well she's gonna kill Y/n! I thought she was your sister!" Ekko went silent, it became harder to breathe for him.

"Vi how about we calm down, she tried to kill us literally not even two hours ago." Caitlyn grabbed Vi's hand.

Vi yanked her hand away. "No! Don't you tell me to calm down! It was your idea!" Caitlyn scoffed.

"She tried to kill us Vi! Get that through your head! She doesn't care for us!" Vi sent a glare towards Caitlyn.

"You know nothing about her! You only see the bad in her." She spat then walked off slamming the door behind her.

Caitlyn and Ekko stood in the quiet room, Caitlyn ran out the door and chased Vi.

"Vi wait!" Caitlyn grabbed Vi's hand. Vi wipped around to face her. Caitlyn pulled Vi's hand to her head and kissed her hand.

"It was for the best, she's not good for you." The pinkette's blood boiled, she ripped her hand away once more before finally going off at the British woman.

"No! You know what's not good for me!? You! You're not good for me! You're mother wasn't the only one in that building! Y/n was too!"

Caitlyn gasped stepping back a bit. "Who knows why I chose you! But that was the biggest mistake of my life!" The aggravated woman stomped forward.

"You ruined the chance to make it right with Powder! If only you just fucken listened! You're so fucking annoying!"

Caitlyn swallowed the lump in her throat before speaking. "But I love you..."

Vi scoffed before shaking her head. "No, you don't. You have no one left, so you're scared! But I was there, in that situation, all alone but I didn't have a easy way out."

Tears streamed down Caitlyn's face. "N-no! I really do love you!" Her voice broke at the sudden yelling. Caitlyn grabbed both of Vi's hands.

"Ple...please... Vi..." Vi scrunched her nose. "You knew how much she means go me. But yet you went behind my back to give her away like she was trash. So no, I've given you enough chances, you've fucked up my life to many times."

Vi ripped her hands away and walked off leaving Caitlyn crying on the floor. Vi was determined to find and save Y/n.
Sorry this is short 😅

Love you guys so much!! ❤️❤️

Missing You { Vi x Reader }Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora