24 END (1/?)

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My whole body ached. It was that day all over again. My face was on higher ground than the rest of my body.

It was like it was laying on a pillow, a very fucken hard and painful pillow. I was on my stomach once again.

My back was getting crushed by 'small' bits of rubble. I tried to move but just screamed instead.

It was better last time where I broke my legs and I couldn't feel them. I took a deep breath before biting my bottom lip and pushing my back up, pushing all the rubble off my back.

After I finally got it off me I fell onto my ass while leaning on my arm. It was so dusty. I started coughing.

My stomach started to hurt so I put my hand on my stomach, around my ribcage. I put my hand on my stomach and pulled it away.

It had blood on it. I looked around and saw a lot of blood. I got on my knees and tried to stand up. Can confirm, it didn't work.

I fell back onto my knees scraping them and ripping my stockings. I fell back onto my back soon loosing consciousness.
I awoke to someone shaking me desperately. "Oh god, thank god you're awake! We need to get out of here, this place will collapse at any moment!" Jayce screamed in my face.

"What about everyone else!?" He turned away than turned back to me with not just sad but broken eyes. "Everyone else is either dead or crushed, we need to go now!"

A piece of roof fell down near where we were talking. I looked around before nodding I was helped up and we made our way to the door.

The roof was collapsing around us, until we got to the door, he looked at me before speaking. "You have the last hextech gemstone, protect it." Then he pushed me out into the hallway.

"I'm going to get Viktor out, go!" He ran back, I got to my feet, using the wall to support me, it was crumbling, so I tried to walk.

It was all just stumbling and saving myself from falling. All the floors basically combined into one. I finally got to the door, it was burried.

I started pulling away the rubble until it was just big enough for me it fit through. I squeezed my ass through and I landed on my face. My dumb ass.

I got to my feet holding my stomach. I stammered away from the now burning building. I saw that Jayce got Viktor through the broken window.

I thought that maybe we would have a chance. Oh how I was wrong. The  roof collapsed on top of them.

My heart stopped, I dropped to my bleeding knees and cried. After awhile of sobbing I rose to my feet slowly stammering away.

I knew enforcers were coming and if they found me there I would go to Stillwater. I got to the bridge and I saw a figure.

"Jinx..?" She came into view and it was in fact Jinx. I sped up a little. "Jinx!" I got to her, she was looking down.

I held her shoulders. "You're okay, thank god you're okay." I placed my head on her shoulder.

That's when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, it was lower than the one from the council building.

My eyes widened I slowly looked down to see Jinx had logged a knife into my stomach. "I..."

That's when she pulled the knife out quiet aggressively making me fall down beside her. I fell on my stomach.

I was sick of laying on my stomach...

"You need to be tougher Y/n, you're weak, but don't worry, Vi and her little girlfriend won't live a happy life." That one word ringed in my head.

They're girlfriends...

"Don't worry Y/n." She finally turned around and squatted down in front of me. "You'll get your revenge."

I wish I could've fought to stay awake, but it didn't work. I was swallowed by darkness.
Hi! Hehe, love you!

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