!!Important pt 2!!

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I've already started writing, but I'm trying to write majority of it before posting the first part.

I'll have a posting schedule, maybe like once a week, twice a week or daily. Though when school starts back up again that's less time, I have volleyball practice on Tuesday and Wednesday.

So that's why I'm trying to create so many parts, I might write the first three episodes before posting the first one.

I don't want to delete this story just ppl are just reading it now and I want ppl to read the better one over this one.

Cause I know if I read a story I prolly wouldn't want to read one with the same ish storyline and kinda the same.
Well for the first three episodes that is.

Yes I might be mixing it up.

But for now I'm gonna get back to writing, love you all! Look after yourselves!

But for now I'm gonna get back to writing, love you all! Look after yourselves!

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I'm getting a tad bit distracted with my music but I'm working on it!

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