A/N : No Tolerance For Abuse

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Heyyy my Strawberries and Cupcake readers, it's been such a long time since we've interacted and I HOPE SO VERY MUCH WITH ALL MY HEART, that y'all are doing good. 

About me ? I'm at a much better place than I was back when I wrote this book tbh. More like, I'm much more emotionally strong now. And thanks to this book, this community, and you all. You all make my day, even when I get the notification that you added my book into your reading lists or library. Or when you vote. Please keep supporting me the way you do. 

So, many of you might be wondering why I'm suddenly here, (well I'm always here from time to time, since I'm writing Amaan and Aayushi's story currently) but HERE, on this book after such a long time. 

It's because... 

First of all, I'm like totally, obsessed over gaining readers. Like, I get super excited seeing notifications, that you guys are reading my book, which I put my heart and soul into while writing, and whenever you vote on a specific chapter, I'm also sort of obsessed with reading what I'd written back then, and cringe over it A LOT. Well, because let's not lie, this book is a little cringey, come on. One reason maybe that, it was my first ever book, and now when I look back, I kinda wanna edit it but I also kinda wanna, keep it the way it is, to remind me from where I started, and how it was like to start writing something (Ik am super sentimental) 


Getting back to the point, so while I was reading my book, obviously all of you those who have read it, know, that it contains topics of sexual child abuse, etc etc. BUT one thing I've been thinking since a long time was that, that sexual abuse topic is one thing, but, while writing this book, I PERSONALLY think (as none of my readers pointed out having a problem with it) that the male main character Ayansh Malhotra may also come off as emotionally and even physically (in some scenes) abusive. As I said that it's not that major, many of you might not even realize it, since no one commented on it, and took it as a part of drama and couple fights, and him having anger issues, and that too in only some scenes during the starting, and then he becomes a sweetheart.

I strictly want all of you to know that no matter how minor it is, it's not something to be tolerated or to keep going through. I was very very very much young, naïve, and inexperienced on such topics when I wrote this book, and didn't realize that I was actually romanticizing all that.


No matter how minor, it is, or if it's not physical, abuse is abuse, and you just do not stay and hope for the better, or think that you might "fix it"

This is a book. It's fictional. It's written by a 16 year old girl, who has always seen and experienced familial issues, and toxicity, during her entire existence, of 18 years till now. As we all know many of you readers, might be Indian as well, we all can agree, how minor toxicity and abuse in our society is showcased as. It is actually nothing a woman have to worry about or end her relationship or marriage over. It's "normal", it "happens". But as the upcoming generation, it's in our hands, if we have to change it or not.

Fictional world is fictional, and there are even dark romances, where a male MC is much more horrible than the one which I'd written, but in no way we can apply it onto real lives, or give across the message that it should be tolerated in real life, to "save" your relationship. It shouldn't. If you have to tolerate so much emotional or physical trauma, then girl, Idk what to say other then.. that you just need to bolt. Be Ussain Bolt. Just run, and don't even look back to that relationship. If it's taking so much of your mental and emotional energy, wearing you down, making you constantly feel like you need to put extra efforts then you should, and then too you're getting nothing in return other than exhaustion, or the next person is not putting the same efforts as you are, to keep the relationship going. Then bess fren, it's just not worth it.

Real love, never weighs you down, growth in love is not when you are compromising and sacrificing your happiness and peace time to time, to heal the next person or just waiting for them to get their ducks in rows. Yes there are hardships, there are disagreements, there even might be time of arguments, and separation, but none of that, comes in the form of disrespect, and in the form of long period of emotional turmoil. You need to choose yourself, and your happiness. You don't need to sit and wait around. If the other person doesn't want to grow, with you, you need to leave, and keep growing yourself. Real love is supposed to be like a bright ray of sunshine, because even when we know, that there will be times of, grey skies, and hard rain, we will always know the sun will shine. Real love is supposed to be supporting each others dreams, making jokes together, doing stuff together, which brings you inner peace, and you feel like with togetherness there is an individual healing.

There are so much forces around us, as physical manipulation, emotional and mental manipulation, gaslighting, blackmailing, use of emotional trauma to gain sympathy, or even you yourself gaslighting yourself that it might all be in your head, or your hope that it'll get better ONE day.

Gurl.. please don't.

I know it might be hard to do, especially when you imagine the good times, but always know that something better might always be coming your way. YOU are YOUR first priority. There are plenty of fishes in the sea.

AND, THE MAIN THING : It is NOT your job to fix or heal a person. You can only help. That's it.

And when that starts weighing you down, holding you back, and sometimes even restricting your personal space, and freedom, you need to just leave that behind.

You need to be your authentic self, and when it should be right to fight for the person or the relationship, or it might be important to think about the happiness of the person you're with, it should only be to an extent.

Not to an extent when it turns into a form of self sabotaging.

With that said, I hope you guys get the clear message, that whatever is shown in the book, is totally and strictly fictional, and if you are with/ or meet a person like that, you're not to tolerate their bullshit, and tell them goodbye respectfully.

If they really want you, ask them to fix themselves first and get their shit together.

That's pretty much it, I might edit the book one day and take away all that part, but currently I'm in 12th grade, it's the time of boards and then university entrances and everything so I'm super busy.

At the end, I hope you all got what I was trying to portray here with this TED talk. I wish you all bad bitches, some happy ass lives, with a nice yet hot man/woman whatever floats your boat and loads of success and abundance and joy. Again thankyou for giving my book a try.

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