33. He Said He Loves Me !!

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Ayansh was currently in the shower , cleaning up himself , while I was looking around his room thinking about how am I gonna clean up this  here . Honestly , I still remember when I first took in this room today .

Scared living daylights outta me . 

I told Ayansh that I am in love with him . And to be true to myself , I really don't think how I feel about it . Well am glad that he took it just fine . 

I don't know what I expected . To him say it back to me? No . No happening . I should be just satisfied that he didn't freak out and actually liked the idea of me loving him . 

I remember him saying that he wants to be good enough to make me love him . 

I still gotta give him some time though . I think . 

Yes , I really should give him his space . Same with the thing about talking . Today was so much for the both of us . And am sure if I demanded answer tonight it would take a toll on him . Wouldn't want to stress him out that much . All I want for now is to take care of him . 

I didn't know when I started but I've already picked up sevral glass pieces in my hands , trying to start the cleaning , almost as an auto pilot action . To be honest I was freaking out . What happened today , it was honestly , was too much to take in . The after effect of today's evening was taking a toll on me and I could just imagine what it has been doing to Ayansh . 

My father's words echoed around in my head and a slight shiver of fear passed my spine . 

You gonna regret it. Mark my fucking words  . He  had said . 

What if he pulls something to destroy whatever me and Ayansh have ? 

No doubt I had never been this much brave in my life ever before in front of my father as I was today . 

But I think that would be landing me in trouble soon . 

The best way and the easier way to deal with this shit is to separate my way with Ayansh . Leave him alone and let him live his life peacefully and let my father do whatever the hell he wants to do with me . 

But.... I'm done choosing the easier ways . 

I gotta fight for my love . Because I have no idea what it had done , but the one change which am sure about is that , it made me strong . Strong enough to be there for Ayansh and for myself . To not leave him alone in this mess . I just can't 

Because ... now I think I have a little idea why everybody and Ayansh himself told me that he needs me . 

I am gonna make him believe that love can give him the same strength it has given to me . I'm gonna make him believe that he deserves happiness , that it's okay to break down , it's okay to let yourself to be vulnerable , and it's okay to come out of that state and let yourself consume the feel of the peace it brings with itself . 

I am gonna hold his hand and am gonna try to pull him out of those walls of darkness surrounding him . 

I am gonna make him dream about things and going to listen to those dreams when he tells me about them . 

I am gonna hear about every single thing he will tell me about . Every small thing that makes him happy . Every small thing that he doesn't likes . 

I'm gonna love him with all I have and stay in love with him .

Because he's it for me . 

I didn't realize I have cleaned up half of the room while I was occupied in my thoughts . 

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