38. The Engagement Party !

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My eyes were roaming over the currently glittering piece of clothing that was sprawled over the bed . 

Nah !! Piece of clothing was not the correct word to describe what was in front of my eyes . It's .. it looked horrific . 

Really horrific , yet really beautiful . 

Embroidered with shining beads and stones , work such delicate that you have to stop and look . 

And you might be wondering why I was looking at a certain thing for which I wasn't even finding words to describe . 

Guess why ?

Okay I'll tell you . 

Because I have to wear this thing . 

And what is 'this thing' ?

It's a LEHENGA . 

For me !!! 

And now you might be wondering why I'd have to wear a lehenga  all of a sudden ?

Okay I'll clear your confusions . 

So , apparently after that mind blowing , superb , fantastic , heart wrenching , beautiful , mesmerizing marriage proposal . I was so on a cloud nine I didn't even notice that , except for the tourist and local crowd , and the media of course , Ayansh's whole family was present their as well . 

Well , not his father of course . But except for him everyone . Like seriously everyone . Both of his uncles and Aunts , all of his cousins , that is , Nat , Naina , Maggie , and toddler Manik . 

And ohh yes !! Amaan , Aayushi , Ayaan and Ishaani . 

Yep !!! Surprise is not even the correct word to describe my emotions what I felt then . 

As soon as Ayansh and I stopped hugging and kissing (I am embarrassed too) , and noticed the crowd around all of them rushed into our directions , congratulating us , and lecturing Ayansh on how he first time in his life took such a good decision at a perfect time before it was too late . 

So , I'd already figured by that time that it was all planned from before . Ayansh had already planned this . 

Ofcourse he had . 

Because if he wouldn't have planned then why would I be informed suddenly  by his family that tonight only they have planned an engagement party already . 

As soon as I heard that I looked at Ayansh if they all were joking but he gave me a sorry expression . 


A dreadful feeling washed over all my body . 

I don't know why but I felt like Ayansh and I would get some time alone with each other , but unfortunately he had already planned this so we couldn't .


I know that for some reason I was being selfish . But I couldn't help that either .

*Double sighs*

But for some reason I was satisfied as well . Because I get too meet all of his family after such a long time . And this engagement party was , well , like an announcement that we are officially together now .  

It's not like it wasn't clear . 

With all the media present their , the videos of his proposal were viral all around , on the news channels . 

And social media !!! 

Gosh !! , I had to turn off my notifications for now as I was being tagged into so many posts and stories , I don't even wanna get to start on that .

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