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I am going to put some Hindi songs from now on wards too as they create just another feeling . 

Song : Rozana ( Listen to it as it's kinda song for the chapter)

By: Shreya Goshal 

PS : You can find lots of grammatical and spelling mistakes in their . Don't mind it please . Also please comment and vote . I really did a lot of hard work 




Here , I am sitting in the office , waiting for Ayansh to pick me up , at the same time thinking about the past two weeks.

 My Patient , Dhruv Gupta , the 16 year old kid , just went home an hour ago , and I wrote my report on his behavior .

At the first day he didn't say a single word to me , just nodded his head when asked about something , and I felt really bad for him . But then I thought I needed some different approach , so now , today is friday ,  and by the next meeting it would be my two whole weeks complete with his therapy . He had opened to me a little . I shared some hypothetical stories with him , and asked him about what he likes and dislikes . 

And I was surprised to know that the things he likes to do includes his best friend that was a girl , and the things that he doesn't likes to do , or hates to do , are the one that doesn't includes his best friend . I asked him to write down some things , what he thinks about her , I asked him to maintain a diary on her name ,. He was so stubborn to agree at first , but I compelled him to do it.I told him that, we'll have a non-disclosure agreement on that diary . Only me , and he'll have a right to read that diary . So , he wrote it , I was shocked everyday more when I read his diary . He had opened up completely while writing it . He had pasted pictures and pictures of her with him .They were like together , since they were toddlers . He wrote she was the most important thing in his life . He also wrote the he had hurt her , because he used to hang out with every new girl on his arm to just see his best friend jealous . He had written that he just used to piss her off , to see a reaction from her . 

It was like he was writing about himself , and not some other person . I just knew it by reading his diary that he knew about her more then she can ever know about herself . And then I remember about reading the part last friday when he had written that she was diagnosed with cancer just a month ago . I literally cried while completing that part of his writing . That's when he had cut himself off from everyone . He started to skip school , because she stopped going to school . He wrote that he's going to lost her . I tried to console him in my own way and told him that the whole week he'll write about what they both together are like , what he loves about her , what he doesn't , what she's like , everything , and on the weekends , he'll write about his own pain.

Though he didn't wrote anything about LOVE part , anybody can know how much in love he was with her , and I felt like I already know her so better by reading his writing . 

And then today instead of showing his diary to me , he talked . He talked , and he cried . He told me that she's going for her first chemo tomorrow . I wanted to be strong for him but I couldn't help crying myself . It felt like I was already so attached with her , getting to know her from his thoughts . He was confused what to do.

"I don't know what do Miss Kapoor , please , I know you can h-help me ... p-please tell me , I want to be there with her , but I think I'll not able to see her in pain , I'll become weak , I-....I just can't" 

He had said to me while sobbing , That was the first time in my life I've seen a guy crying like that for a girl . 

But this is the thing about love right? You don't care in the world , you're ready to beg to anyone or everyone . It makes you weak , if you're in it alone . But it makes you ten times more stronger if you decide to be together . 

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