26. Come back soon !!!

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Song : The scientist 

By : Corinne Bailey Rae 

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I stood up from the floor and ran towards Vikas's office . As soon as I entered in his cabin he looked at me and frowned . I'm sure he must have heard our shouting before . 

"I.. I need to go" I almost whispered but he caught my words and nodded . Tears were spilling out of my eyes again but I didn't care at that moment . 

I turned around to leave when Vikas's voice stopped me . 

"You should know that he needs you Isha" he said to me and I furrowed my brows .

"You wouldn't get it now , just know that he needs you" he said again and I nodded and left .

I gathered my things and put them in my bag and then I remembered I don't have any ride . 

I tried calling Ayansh hoping if he'd have cooled off and if he could pick me up and we could talk , but I knew my efforts would all be in vain . 

I felt like crying again , but I controlled . 

I called Amaan wishing he would pick me up . I need him right now .

I called him and as always he picked on the second ring. 

"Hey bitch , Ssup?" he asked and my voice cracked hearing him .


"You're at work right ?" he asked alarmed and I nodded . He would know that I nodded because he knows I am not much in a state of talking right now . I love him to know me this better .

"I'll be right there in 5" he told me and hung up .

I stood by the window and waited for Aya- , Amaan's car to pick me up  . 

I didn't go downstairs because I thought that people will not find it so good looking at me with tears streaming down my eyes and my arm bruised up.

I saw Amaan's car pulling up in front of the building and I walked down to the elevator and then to Amaan's car . He didn't get out of the car , knowing how exactly I wanted . 

I calmly got in the car and buckled myself up and didn't turn my face towards him . 

Amaan touched my right bruised arm lightly and I winced lowly . 

"He fucked up" Amaan whispered and I couldn't control my tears anymore . 

A sob escaped from my throat and I turned towards the window , indicating to him that I didn't want to talk . 

I just want myself alone with my thoughts . My thoughts about Ayansh .  My insecurities are getting better at me again . I don't know if Ayansh would accept me again or not . He was opening up to me , everything was going good , and then today has to happen . I don't even know him that good to know if he wouldn't give up , it's not like he's in love with me , but I am in love with him , and I just couldn't afford to lose him . I ... I got someone like him , for the first time , someone I fell in love with , someone who made me feel if I'm good enough . Someone who made me know that I am right the way I am , someone who took care of me , someone who made me feel things I never felt before .

I know it's silly for me to behave like this because of  just a fight , people fight all the time . But it's Ayansh we're talking about and the memory of last time something like this happened is fresh in my brain . He was pushing me again that day , last time when he showed me the bruises.

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