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Upon returning to the Devil’s Castle, I found Deran and Derakal, who were injured and walking inside.

“Whoa… you guys. I better hear a good excuse if you know how to speak.”

[Hey, I didn’t mean to.]

[Right! I didn’t do it on purpose!]

They protested grumpily. I stood with my arms folded and stared at the two, and eventually approached them with a sigh.

“So why take it out on the warrior? I told you not to, because now you’re hurt.”

I reached out to touch their wounds. The black scent that flowed from my fingertips quickly healed their injuries.

[I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t come to my senses as if I was possessed by something. When I opened my eyes, I found myself in battle with that man.]

[Yeah, I only came back to my senses after getting beaten up pretty bad.]

“You’re just proud of yourself, really.”

[Oh, we could’ve won if we stayed a little longer!]

“… A little more beating will bring you back to your senses.”

As soon as Derakal recovered a little, he started running around me.

After helping those two heal, I sat down on the fluffy sofa while tilting my stiff neck back and forth.

[Are you going to sleep?]

“No. I’m meditating.”

[… Just go to your bed and sleep.]

“I’m not sleeping. It’s meditation, something I always do.”

I closed my eyes and relaxed myself. My breathing gradually calmed down. I heard Derakal say something, but soon there was only a humming sound.

At the same time, my body felt limp, and my consciousness was blackened.

Slowly and deeply like sinking into water, I feel into my consciousness. It feels like a dream.

However, the feeling of blackness penetrating my ears and the coldness felt on my skin showed that it wasn’t a dream. I arrived in a space before I knew it.

Four small red lights floated in front of my eyes. At first glance, it looked like fireballs.

– Hey guys, I’m seeing you again.

I reached out and touched one of them hoping it won’t run away like before. Fortunately, the light only fluttered slightly and stayed there.

– Come here.

The light slowly approached my hand and settled in my palm. I gently clenched my fist. The small light was absorbed without strain as if it had been part of me from the beginning.

However, the problem was what happened afterwards.

The hot heat began to spread from the palms where the light was absorbed. My blood boiled like lava. It went from my hands to my heart to my whole body, as if I would melt.


I bit my lips without realizing. It was even more painful than the first light I absorbed. It hurts, it really hurts. I squeeze the edge of my heart.

My fingers trembled. I wanted to let my hand go. I began to think ‘will I fail again this time?’.

The five powers of the Devil. If you compare them to the games, they were nothing more than the main skills. After the owner changed, they were sealed deep inside the Devil’s body, and they couldn’t help me easily.

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