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I lightly patted Sagna's droopy back.

"...Don't be so disappointed. As you go through life, the seals may come loose."

After going to the underground warehouse, Sagna said, 'our devil can't have that much power' and 'how can the devil's seal come off so easily... he just kept saying these two sentences.

"But don't you think you'll know for sure after you've gone there? The strength of the warrior must have been from that mahone stone, which was released from the seal."

From now on, I will have to thoroughly manage the stored mahone stones.

Sagna, who was looking down sullenly at my added words, raised its head and looked at me.


"Yeah, that's the first time you've called my name right."

[...No matter how many times I think about it, that's my conclusion. I don't recognize you as the devil.]

After Sagna confessed, he paused.

Rather than being surprised, I was curious about why he suddenly brought up such words.

Sagna, who was sitting quietly on my shoulder, flew up and sat on a branch of a tree that was about the same height as my eye level.

He then stared right in my eyes.

[You are a woman far from the Devil in the first place.]

"Is that so?"

[It's not that you're bad or pathetic. However, the seat of the devil is different from that of humans.]

Sanya spoke in a more friendly way than before, but he was also more determined.

[Don't think of demons as the opponents you need to take care of. They're here worthy for your use. Not too long ago, you infiltrated the lord's castle for barrier use.]


[You're already disqualified there. You left your own people alone, and what if you got caught there? In the middle of the enemy place, the warrior was there.]

"But the mahone stones..."

[If you were truly the devil, you would've killed hundreds of wounded and weak creatures to get the mahone stones. No, if you were the devil in the first place, you wouldn't even have cared about the barrier.]

[The most important thing is the safety of the devil.]

The more I listened to Sagna's words, the more I kept my mouth shut.

Sagna was right about everything. All of my actions have been extremely thoughtful.

The existence of the devil was important to humans as well, especially to demons.

The fact that the soul had changed was recognized in an instant, and the demons had turned their backs against the devil.

They may be hiding out of sight to test me, or they might try to somehow find the soul of the former devil.

Or, maybe they've already found the spirit of the real devil, and they're now just looking for a body suitable for it to be absorbed.

I quietly reached out to Sanya, and he climbed out of the branch and climbed onto my hand.

"Thanks for the advice."

[It was nothing.]

"I think I can see why the former devil regarded you as an aide."

[You're acknowledging it now?]

I looked at Sagna with a slight smile on my lips.

Obviously, I'm not cut out for the devil position because I was born as a human being in the first place, and suddenly, I was made the devil in another world.

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