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(Lucia’s pov)

It was evening time at the Devil’s Castle.

An orange sunset was setting in the distance. It was a very beautiful color when combined with the white clouds.

I was enjoying the evening sunset with my eyes, and with my hands I was processing something resembling the color of the sunset.

“What are you doing here, Devil?”


But not long after, a cold voice was heard from right behind me.

When I slowly turned my head back, as I had expected, there was a person standing in a crooked posture, looking at me with a terrible expression.

“Shu-Shud. After dinner, you said you were going to rest.”

“Yeah. I went to clean the table before then, but somehow, there weren’t enough plates.”

“Okay? It looks like there are mice living in the Devil’s castle.”


Shud said, looking down at what was in my hand.

I quickly grabbed the last carrot on the plate and shoved it into Anne’s mouth next to me.

Anne ate the carrot like a rabbit.

“Is it delicious, Anne?”

“Yeah! Delicious!”

After watching Anne’s swollen cheeks with satisfaction, I came to my senses later and hid the white plate in my hand under my skirt.

“…Don’t you think it’s too late to hide it?”

“It’s too late for you to come to me. The special carrot salad you made for me is already in Anne’s mouth.”

I smiled contentedly and triumphantly as I fiddled with Anne’s fluffy bunny ears. That’s why I said I don’t like beans or carrots.

“Is that so?”

“Mhm. I’m sorry. It was a carrot dish that Shud made specially, but I couldn’t try it.”

“Oh, no regrets at all.”

I had a feeling that something wasn’t right.

Shud slowly approached me and pushed what he was hiding behind my eyes.


Carrot salad, even doubled in quantity.

I was even dizzy at the feast of orange shimmering in front of me.

“I thought you would regret it, so I made another plate.”

“…Give it to me.”

I hurriedly took the plate from his hand and walked over to Anne.

“Anne, would you like some more of the carrots you like?”

“Hey! No! Anne is now full.”

She said, pounding on her small, bulging belly.

You’re full after eating a plate of carrots, how cute! The rabbit itself is so cute!!


Afraid to be moved by the cuteness, I heard Shud’s voice from behind, like a death sentence.

Looking back, he was smiling softly as usual.

“I’ll be sure to watch so the mice don’t steal it this time.”

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