Chapter 54

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(Lucia's POV)

Haron passed out as he was held in my arms. I did not know how much trouble he had suffered in the process of getting here, but he looked very tired.

I received help from other demons to move him to a room. I looked again at Haron's face, lying flat on the bed.

'You're still handsome'

A lot has changed. It's easy to lose your youthful appearance, but that just shows how mature you are now.

I lowered my head and looked at his eyelashes. Those purple eyes under these eyelids were still beautiful.

Without realising it, I reached out towards him and stopped.

'He's sleeping, I can't just touch him'

My outstretched hand trembled again. Instead, I lightly brushed the hair that covered his forehead.

[Is he asleep?]

Deran came near me and asked. It was a strangely mottled voice, I gently stroked his hair as he approached and comforted me.

"I think so. How are you? Are you very sick?"

[Not's fine. It's just pathetic that I went out alone without being able to protect the Devil's property.]

Having said that, Deran was unusually stiff and crawled into the corner.

It was so cute that I couldn't help but burst into laughter. He misunderstood Haron as an intruder of the Devil's castle and subdued the monsters that rushed in at once without inflicting any damage.

I was possible because the skill gap between them was that big.

However, Haron said that it was difficult to subdue Deran at once without any wounds, so there was more intense battle than before.

According to what I heard, the battle was over in a fairly short period of time. So I didn't ask Deran about the details of the battle.

[...I'm sorry. That's why I don't know if I can say that I'm the Devil's closest confidant.]

"I know you tried to protect me until you passed out. Let me know if you have any injuries. I will treat you."

[There are no major wounds to worry about. That's really annoying too. To be subdued without any serious injuries...]

Deran gritted his teeth and vomited. I pay him as a sign of comfort for the hardship he went through and let him go to rest.

If I stayed here all the time, I would only be wary of the sleeping Haron and inflate my sense of self-doubt.

It has been half a day since Haron opened his eyes. The eyes that had been quietly closed finally opened, revealing the purple color in them.

He blinked and looked at me, who was sitting next to him.

"You woke up?"

" this a dream?"

He just woke up and a low cracked voice rang in my ears. I said, putting the back of my hand on his forehead.

"It's not a dream"

His forehead was hot. However, his body temperature was so low that I couldn't tell for sure if he was having a fever. My cold hand touched his forehead, and he jumped up after a moment.

"...Lucia? Are you really Lucia?"

"Stay still. It seems like you still have a fever"

"Lu- why is Lucia here...Oh no, where am I now?"

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