Chapter 61

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(3rd person pov cont.)

“Today is the long-awaited New Year’s Day, Tina.”

Lucia opened her mouth as she wrapped her woolen scarf over the snowman made in the backyard of the Devil’s castle. Tina replaced her answer by illuminating her faint smile for a moment.

“I’ll cook a turkey that Tina likes today. Of course, everything else is ready.”


A weak voice escaped Tina’s mouth. She randomly pinned the pine needles she was holding onto the snowman’s head.

She then walked towards the tumultuous castle with a basket of leftover decorations in her hand.

Only Lucia and Shud remained behind and only glanced at each other.

‘She must have been very shocked by the news of Derakal.’

It was after she heard the story, Tina’s face darkened little by little as time passed by after the panther was captured. Every day she heard the news that he was safe from Deran.

Lucia hurriedly followed her from behind.

Tina was squatting on the carpet in front of the fireplace and was fiddling with a red ribbon and a little star.

In the morning, she had the same ribbon that she had given to Deran, except in a different color.

“I was going to give this as a gift to the two of them, but… this is unfortunate.”

Lucia walked over and patted her on the shoulder.

“They’ll probably run wild like crazy and come back to us in good shape.”

“My Lord…”

Lucia reached out her arm and hugged Tina’s waist. Tina also buried her face in Lucia’s arms.

“Our Tina, who I thought was an adult, is still fooling around like this. You are still very young.”

“I’m sorry. Just for one day, just for one day.”

“You can do it for the rest of your life.”

“Ladies. Come for dinner.”

Shud chirps playfully and interrupts.

Tina followed Shud with a bashful smile on her slightly relaxed face.

More food than usual was steaming on the table.

“Today, I especially removed all the beans and carrots.”

“My Lord, do you still hate eating those two?”

“Yeah, I hate it. But doesn’t this taste good?”

The brother and sister laughed side by side at the answer that flowed out very decisively.

Tina suddenly stared at Lucia and Shud. They were quarreling with each other while being close.

“…I can’t believe it.”

She tapped her small cheeks with her palm. Lucia tilted her head curiously at Tina’s appearance.

“Tina, what’s wrong?”

“Nope! It’s nothing!”

Tina quickly grabbed Lucia’s hand.

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