Chapter 57

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I stared at him blankly for a moment after his brief kiss on my cheek.

Haron spoke up first.

“I meant to say goodbye.”

“…Huh? Ah, yes.”

“Did you not like it?”

“Oh, no. It’s not like that… I’m just not used to it.”

I quickly turned my head away at the persistent questioning look in his eyes. I opened my mouth, trying to ignore the tickling sensation on the back of my hand. It was true that I said I was not used to it.

I’ve never ever had someone kiss the back of my hand, and that was what this guy just did.

‘Besides, this guy is especially…’

I glanced at him, who was looking at me pitifully. My eyes closed slightly, and then I looked away again. I thought hard while ignoring Haron’s persistent gaze after that.

‘…It’s too naughty.’

(tl/n: lmfao I guess the author just decided to change scenes here without warning again so this is 3rd person pov now…)

A quiet sigh echoed throughout Emperor Holferst’s office with the piled up official documents set aside.

There were two opposing views in the current National Assembly.

There was a division between those who insisted on making peace with the Devil and those who said that they could never do so and that they had to prepare for war immediately.

“Your Majesty, they are an incredible race. Didn’t they attack us like crazy ten years ago?”

“Things have changed. We cannot put the burden of war with the Devil on the people who are just starting to live in peace again.”

Thanks to both sides fighting day by day, the Emperor, who had to mediate between the two, was even more troubled.

At first, the Emperor thought he would only have to solve the problem of dealing with the demon stones, but he did not expect that the subject of reconciliation with the Devil would turn into a massive firestorm.

Besides, it was the Warrior who ignited this fire.

“Have you not heard from the Warrior yet?”

“No. He is currently on leave and hasn’t come back yet.”

“What is going on in this dire situation…!”

The Emperor thumped and slammed the office desk.

After that happened, he hurriedly looked for the Warrior the very next day, but the only words that came from him was that he had been out for a few days.

He wondered if Duke Blake had hidden him on purpose, but it didn’t seem like it.

Not only the Emperor, but there were many people in the present empire who wanted to find him. Everyone was trying to make contact with the Warrior in order to fulfill their own greed.

He caused such a commotion, and they had no idea where he was.

‘How dare you not come even when the Emperor of the empire calls you…You are becoming more and more arrogant and more like your stepfather.’

The Emperor clenched his teeth.

Now that the story of the Devil has come to the front, the need for a Warrior will be higher than it is now, and then the Warrior will become more arrogant.

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