Lionel Messi (Part 3) [~] Rival's Sister

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Almost three months had passed since you ran into Leo at the España vs. Argentina match. Since then, you both exchanged text messages everyday. Every time a notification popped up, you couldn't help but smile whenever Leo the Lion  also popped up. It was official, this man had control of your heart. If you were given the opportunity to be a correspondent for the Barcelona games, you always took the opportunity to go see Leo. You hadn't really told anyone about the relationship that was forming with Leo except your best friend, (Y/B/F/N).

You were currently sitting on a park bench telling her about everything. "Have you told Cristiano or your parents yet?" she asked.

"No, why would I have to, we're just friends?" you stated.

"You don't sound so sure of yourself," she replied. You sighed and ran your hands through your (H/C) locks.

"What am I going to do, I'm going to see him in three days!" you replied, looking at your hands.

"It's your choice. I mean it's not like everyone compares him and your brother at every opportunity and their clubs are bitter rivals," she responded sarcastically.

"You are no help."

Two days later you boarded the train that would take you to Barcelona. When you arrived, you took a taxi to your hotel where you would stay until the game tomorrow. You texted Leo, telling him you had arrived and your hotel room number. You placed your phone on the bed with your small suitcase and took a quick shower. When you exited the shower, your phone buzzed. You walked out in a towel to see a text message to appear on the screen.

Can I come over? I'll bring food! :)  You replied that he could and quickly changed into some semi-presentable clothes. A knock echoed on your door and you went to answer it. Leo stood outside, a bag of food in his hand. You smiled and let him in. You hugged him, having not seen him in a month. He returned the hug and gave me a plate of take out. We just sat eating and talking, laughing occasionally. Leo has such a beautiful smile. Focus, focus!

"You ready for tomorrow's match?" you asked, sipping on some water.

"It should be an easy win, they're in last place in La Liga currently." You nodded and you both agreed to watch TV. Sitting on the bed, right next to each other, you flipped through TV channels. The first was a soap opera where two best friends kissed each other. You quickly changed the channel to a cooking channel.

"Today we are cooking kissing quiche!" You moved onto the a new channel. It seemed that every channel had to do with relationships or kissing so after a while you just turned off the TV. You sighed. "Well, there's nothing on," you stated, throwing the remote onto the other bed next to you and Leo.

"You switched the channel every time someone talked about kissing," Leo pointed out. You blushed lightly, running a hand through your hair. "And you run a hand through your hair when you're nervous. What's wrong?" Leo asked.

"It's nothing, nothing at all. Maybe we should just rent a movie."

"You're avoiding the topic. What's wrong, (Y/N)?" Leo asked again, placing a gentle hand on one of your semi-trembling ones. You blushed even darker, looking at the floor. Suddenly, you felt fingers under your chin, forcing you to look up from the ground. Before you could blink, Leo's lips smashed into yours. Your eyes widened before you responded to the kiss. You both pulled away after almost a minute, breathing heavily. "Is that why you were nervous?"

"I just didn't know if you liked me back . . . or if anyone would approve of the relationship," you replied.

"What, because your brother and I are rivals?" he asked, quietly. You nodded, meeting his soft gaze. "I can't speak for your brother or your family, but I can tell you that I have very strong feelings for you, (Y/N), and I could care less about what any critic could write about us."

You smiled. "I have strong feelings for you too, Leo. But, what does this make us?" you asked, motioning between the two of you.

"Whatever you want it to be. For example, if I were to ask you to be my girlfriend, you could say yes or no," Leo replied.

"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend. Because, if you are, the answer is yes," you responded. Leo and you smiled, and enjoyed the next few hours together.

That was four months ago. You had wanted the relationship to remain on the down low. You wanted to test the waters a bit before coming out to your family and then the whole world. Leo had respected your wish and anything about your relationship remained strictly between the two of you. You were back in Madrid, having come back from a trip to Barcelona to interview the players again. You were cooking food for you, Cristiano Sr./Jr., and your parents.

You and Leo were texting back and forth. He was at a banquet thrown for the team and reportedly bored out of his mind. The door rang and you told him you had to go before walking over to your parents. You hugged your brother, mother, and father before letting them into your small apartment. Cristiano Jr. attached himself to your leg, a reoccurring event whenever you saw him. You convinced your nephew to release your leg so you could go serve dinner. He let go, reluctantly. You set the hot food on the table before sitting next to your mother.

You all enjoyed the food, talking about your lives around the dinner table. You wiped Junior's face of the sauce currently all over his face. He giggled as you clucked your tongue at him. "You are so good with children, (Y/N), when are you going to have any of your own?" your mother asked.

You froze. "Mama!" you scolded, cheeks tinted red.

"Besides, she would need a husband or boyfriend first. You don't have a boyfriend do you?" your father asked. Now was time, do you tell your parents or do you keep your and Leo's relationship a secret. You were saved by Junior knocking over a cup of water. You picked him up, Cristiano lightly scolding his son, who didn't seem phased. "Come on, I have some of your clothes in my room," you sighed, leading Junior to your room. You dried him and helped him change into some of the extra clothes you had on stock.

Walking back into the room, you noticed your brother holding your phone, brows furrowed. "Who's Leo the Lion?" he asked. You froze, staring at your phone.

"(Y/N), who is Leo the Lion?" your mother asked. Before you could reply, Cristiano cut you off.

"Lionel Messi? You're texting Lionel Messi! How did you even get his phone number?"

"I bumped into him at one of the matches he played at. He found my phone and input his number. Besides, why do you care?" you replied, reaching for your phone.

"I care because you're calling him babe!" Cristiano replied, holding out the text messages to your parents. You gulped. You were in deep doo doo. After about ten minutes of scolding from both your brother and your parents, you stood up.

"So do you not approve of the relationship? Because if you don't-"

"-We never said that," your mother said, placing a hand on your shoulder. "It was just a little surprising is all." Cristiano muttered something under his breath, which you didn't catch but your mother must've because she stamped down  on his foot.

"Do you approve the relationship?" you asked Cristiano, your arms crossed. He sighed before pulling you into a hug.

"If he ever hurts you-"

"-He won't."

"But if he does, don't hesitate to call me. I'm sure Pepe will be able to take care of everything." You shook your head fiercely, giving your brother a warning look. "I was just kidding."

"Sure you were."

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