Robert Lewandowski [~] Shut Up and Dance With Me

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A.N. This is the finalized list of requests (not including the request I'm doing this chapter). Requests are now closed. The list: Mesut Özil, Neymar, Chuba Akpom, Adnan Januzaj, Hachim Mastour, Rafinha Alacantara, Cristiano Ronaldo, Marco Reus, Erik Durm, Marco Reus, Mario Gotzë, Manuel Neuer, Alvaro Morata, Lars Bender, Marco Reus, Soony Saad, and Antoine Griezmann. That is my final list. If I didn't get your request, but you requested before the deadline, PM me. On with the fanfic!

For crouchie28: Robert Lewandowski

It was a late night in Munich, but that didn't stop the Bayern party from continuing. Bayern Munich were celebrating ten straight wins and since they had six days until their next match against a very low ranked team, it was party time. You were one of the main physios for Bayern, despite your young age. You weren't the head of the department but you were constantly on the field or around the guys, assisting them or treating them for whatever ailments they had.

You laughed and danced with David Alaba, until you noticed a lone wolf in the corner. "Why isn't Robert dancing? Or even drinking? There's plenty of alcohol and no practice tomorrow," you said to David.

"You didn't hear?"

"Hear what?"

"Anna dumped him. She left about two days ago, Pep didn't want to play him because of that," David explained.

"I thought his ankle was bothering him, that's what everyone told me anyways."

"I only know because Thomas is the biggest blabber mouth on the planet," David chuckled.

"I'm going to go drag Robert to the dance floor, or at least get him to down a beer. I'll talk to you later," you replied before walking over to the sullen Robert Lewandowski. Grabbing two beers on the way over, you placed one in front of him and hopped up onto a stool across from him. "What's on your mind, Lewy? You haven't even taken a sip of alcohol yet."

"I don't feel like drinking tonight," Robert sighed.

"Oh, come on. One sip wouldn't hurt," you urged, pushing the glass closer to Robert. He pushed it away and you pushed it right back. The two of you continued that until Robert finally had enough.

"Fine, if I take a sip will you get off my back about it?" he questioned, sending you an exasperated glare.

"Maybe, depends on how big the sip is," you winked.

"You're unbelievable," Robert sighed, taking a swig of the beer.

"And you're acting like an old lady whose knickers are in a twist," you stated, before taking another sip of your own beer. "Come on, just do one horrible dance move and I'll let you go. Or you can smile all pretty and I'll go find someone else to annoy." Robert shot you a fake smile and you shot him an unimpressed look. "Oh yes, I can see the happiness twinkling in your eyes, Robert," you said sarcastically.

"Why are you over here talking to me?"

"A girl can't have a casual conversation with a guy at a party?"

"I'd hardly call this a conversation," Robert responded. "But, if you want to see someone smile, I'm sure there's plenty of guys out on the dance floor that would love to take you home tonight. They'd show you their big pearly whites and dance the night away with you."

"And what if I told you I didn't want to dance with any of those guys?"

"Well, there's quite a lot of them. Believe it or not, you, yes you, are quite the talking point in the locker room," Robert chuckled. "About five guys have confessed their love of you."

"No they haven't," you insisted.

"Oh yes they have. It's always something along the lines of 'Geez, that (Y/N). She's so hot. But she'd never go for a guy like me.'" Robert imitated the unnamed players, closing his eyes and moaning like a preteen, causing you to laugh. "I'm being serious, that is what they sound like," Robert chuckled, as the both of you continued to laugh. As the laughter died down, you smiled once more at the sight of Robert's genuine smile.

"I got you to laugh and smile, now all I have to do is get you on the dance floor," you stated, grabbing Robert's hand and starting to drag his towards the rest of the crowd.

"I'm not dancing tonight, (Y/N)," Robert insisted, breaking out of your grip. "I'll watch from here and you can dance to your heart's desires." Robert proceeded to lean on the wall, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Don't be such a buzz kill," you called. Getting a brilliant idea in your brain, you smirked. Flicking your wrist around, you made the lasso motion, as if you were a cowgirl. 'Throwing' the 'lasso' at Robert, you proceeded to 'drag' the 'rope' back towards you. "C'mon Robert, I roped you fair and square." In retaliation, Robert made a snipping gesture with his fingers as he 'cut' the 'rope'. You gasped dramatically, causing another smile to filter onto Robert's face.

"I'm still not coming," Robert stated.

"Just you wait," you smiled, doing the lasso motion several times more. You could see the façade Robert had around him slowly crumbling bit by bit until he finally walked over to you.

"Fine, I'll dance, just stop that horrendous dance more, please," he joked, causing you to punch him lightly in the arm.

"That is so much better than any of your dance moves. I distinctly remember the sprinkler one time they made you do a few shots."

"I was drunk, you, on the other hand, are not."

"So, you're just going to stand in the middle of the dance floor with your arms crossed? Who looks like the idiot now?" Before you could say anything further, Robert grabbed your hand and spun you around several times.

"How's that for dancing?"

"Well, I'm doing all the work, but whatever floats your boat Lewy," you chuckled as the two of you continued to dance. The heel on your shoe got caught on one of the grooves in the floor and you felt Robert's arms wrap around you waist.

"Maybe you are drunk," he teased, helping you back up. Unaware to you or Robert, Thomas and David stood watching the two of you.

"I do believe you owe me a few Euros, Mr. Alaba," Thomas chuckled as David handed over the money.

"He's separated in his marriage for two days and he's already getting girls again," David complained.

"You, David, have just learned to never doubt the Lewandowski charm," Thomas said.

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