Christian Eriksen [~] She's Mine

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For crouchie28:

You and Christian had been dating for over two years now. You were completely comfortable around your boyfriend, and he around you. You trusted him completely and he trusted you completely as well. Or so you had thought. The glares he sent Harry's way as the two of you discussed your recent job promotion. You ignored your boyfriend, as he had done to you the whole night.

Tottenham was hosting a charity event and all players were forced to show up, some more reluctant than others. You were excited for the gala, it gave you an excuse to wear the dress and shoes you had just bought. Christian, however, was being a sore spot and refused to dance or do anything else than mope in the corner with a drink.

You had initially sat next to him as he rode out the small temper tantrum. Yet, as the night went on, your inability to deal with your moody boyfriend was becoming apparent. Still slumped in his chair, you had glared at Christian for the good part of ten minutes until he realized your hard stare. "What?" he has asked. You frowned at his tone.

"Are you going to do anything at all tonight, Christian, except for just being pathetic in the corner?" you replied, crossing your arms over your chest.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he grunted, taking a swig from his drink.

"Forget it. Forget I even asked you such a stupid question," you hissed, standing up and heading to the bar. On the way over, you had bumped into Harry accidently and he walked with you over to the bar in the corner. The two of you chatted as you ordered and then proceeded to wait for your drink to be made by the bartender. Which brought you to your current situation.

Christian continued to stare at you and Harry, his frown seemingly deepening every single time he did so. Harry told you a cute joke which you laughed at. At that Christen got up and headed over to you guys. You talked with Harry until you felt a hand on your waist. Looking up at your boyfriend, he sent a fake and forced smile over to Harry who raised an eyebrow at his teammate.

"You alright, mate?" Harry asked, looking actually concerned for Christian.

"Peachy," Christian replied. "If you'll excuse me and my girlfriend, we were going to dance," Christian stated, emphasizing 'my girlfriend' as if to say to Harry that I was his and not Harry's in the most polite way your slightly angry boyfriend could think of. You said good bye to Harry, placing your drink on the counter. Christian dragged you through the mass of people over to the dance floor. He pulled you into an embrace and the two of you started to dance to the slow song that had come on through the speakers.

"I thought you said you didn't want to dance?" you smirked up at your boyfriend, who held you in his hands possessively.

"I never said that," Christian responded, glancing at you as he continued to look around the room.

"Looking for someone?"

"I'm just making sure that every bloke here, starting with Kane over there, knows that you are not single," Christian said as if it was the most casual and simple thing in the world.

"Calling Harry by his last name now, hmm?" you slyly winked up at your boyfriend, who rolled his eyes at your actions. "Someone's a little jealous," you clucked your tongue, resting your head on Christian's chest.

"I'm not jealous," Christian muttered.

"Sure you're not," you rolled your eyes. "Then what would you call this sudden possessiveness and urge to dance the night away then, Mr. Eriksen? Not even ten minutes ago, you were slumped in a chair in the corner, not willing to even have a conversation with me."

"It's called being a good boyfriend."

"Hmm, I don't think I would call it that," you joked, tapping his nose with your finger. "Just admit it, Christian, you were jealous of Harry."

"I will admit that Harry's flirting with you—"

"We weren't flirting, Christian. It's called talking and having a conversation. It's a normal interaction between humans," you teased, placing your hand on Christian's chest and pushing your head off just a bit so that you could look up into your boyfriend's eyes.

"You were laughing at his joke. And he's not nearly as funny as me," Christian mumbled, smiling a bit at the end.

"Oh you're hilarious," you said, sarcasm dripping from your words.

"And I will admit that you do look absolutely breath taking in that dress," Christian stated, looking down at you.

"My eyes are up here, Eriksen," you smirked, grabbing your boyfriend's chin in your hand and yanking it upwards so that your eyes connected intensely.

"What? A guy's not allowed to be a bit cheeky with his girlfriend?" Christian questioned, raising an eyebrow at your early comments.

"Not in public," you replied smoothly.

"And what if said guy was to take his said girlfriend home with him, away from the public eye?" Christian asked, trying and failing to be innocent. Leaning in closely to his face, you turned and whispered your words into his ear.

"Then he could be as cheeky as he would like," you winked, looking over your shoulder to see if anyone was staring at the two of you.

"In that case, why don't we head home a bit early? I'm feeling a little cheeky," Christian winked, placing a hand on your lower back as he led you towards your earlier seats. You grabbed your light jacket and slipped it on over your dress. Christian muttered halfhearted good byes to his teammates and superiors before walking back over to you. Grabbing your hand, Christian led you out of the gala event and towards your shared car. Meanwhile, still at the bar, Harry rolled his eyes as he saw Christian leave with you with an obvious rush to his pace.

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