Marc Bartra [~] Ex-Girlfriends and Newborns

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You smiled down at your newborn infant. You had given birth to little (Y/S/N) Bartra only five days ago. You now sat in you home holding your son while your husband, Marc, was upstairs, trying to fix the rocking chair in the nursery. Your son wouldn't go to sleep until he was rocked in that darned rocking chair. A screw or something else had gone wrong during use and now it wouldn't rock properly which resulted in dark circles under your eyes as your newborn refused to go to sleep. Apparently, rocking back and forth on your heals was not as satisfactory to your baby as the rocking chair. With no substitute available, Marc had to fix the rocking chair to secure your sanity as well as his own. Your husband was no handy man, that much was obvious, so you knew it would be a while until your son would fall asleep. And a tired and cranky baby made for an unhappy and impatient mother. You tried to make him sleepy by moving back and forth again but it wasn't working, again. You sat him down in his basinet as a knock sounded from the front door.

You hurried to the door, anxious to get back to your infant as soon as you could. Opening the front door completely, you were surprised to see a woman you didn't recognize standing on your front porch. "How can I help you?" you asked, confused as to why a woman would be on your front porch in the first place. How had she gotten past the fence? You would have to change the code, you thought, making a mental note to yourself.

"Hi, my name is Nora, Marc Bartra lives here, right?" she asked.

"Yes . . . do you need to see him?" you asked. You heard your husband come down the stairs. Calling him over, you turned to look at the woman. She looked like a standard type model with flawless skin and perfectly done hair and make up. Not to mention she was nearly six feet tall and still wearing heels. Your husband walked over to the door, a surprised look on his face.

"Nora, what are you doing here?" he asked, confusion written on his face. Your son let out a strangled cry and you rushed over to him. You picked up the fussy infant out of his basinet. Trying to rock your son to sleep, your husband turned to look at the woman you still were confused about. "What are you doing here?" he repeated his earlier question.

You missed their conversation as you tended to your wailing infant. He finally settled down but still was as cranky as ever. He needed a nap, badly. You hoped and prayed that Marc had been successful in fixing that stupid rocking chair. Your husband walked over to you, the mystery woman right behind him. "This is Nora, my . . . friend," your husband introduced, looking awkward in this situation

You raised an eye brow at your husband. You trusted your husband to not cheat on you, so you didn't suspect the woman was a mistress of some kind. And Marc wasn't nearly that stupid to introduce you to his would be mistress. "If you'll excuse us," I cut in, pulling your husband upstairs, infant still in hand. Setting your infant in his crib, you whirled around to face your husband. "Who is she?" you asked, crossing your hands over your chest.

"She's my ex girlfriend from like five years ago. She cheated on me and I haven't heard from her since," your husband sighed.

"Why is she here?"

"Do I look like I know, I thought she had forgotten about me," he responded, running a hand through his hair in frustration.

"Get rid of her, I don't want her around our son," you stated, leading the way back downstairs, hoping that your son would stay quiet and wouldn't need your attention for the next few minutes as you kicked out this home wrecker wanna be. You walked over to your husband's ex-girlfriend who was currently sitting on your couch. "Um . . . if you don't mind me asking, why exactly are you here?"

"Oh, I just wanted to say hi to Marc, we haven't seen each other in ages," she stated, as if it made perfect sense. You didn't believe her. Why would she cheat on someone then try and talk to them five years later? It made no sense to you and you wanted her out as soon as possible.

"Yes, well hello. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to have to ask you to leave," Marc replied, stepping forward. She looked hurt.

"But, Marc," she pleaded. Your husband was having none of it.

"You cheated on me and now that I am happy, you come back. I'm sorry but you'll have to go," he crossed his arms over his chest. She narrowed her eyes at you and stood up, her obviously fake boobs almost bouncing out of her blouse. Your husband didn't notice or didn't care, much to your happiness. Her heals clicked annoyingly as she walked out the door. She slammed the door angrily which got your son to go into another burst of wails. Sighing, you ran upstairs. As you rocked your child to sleep, your husband wrapped his arms around your waist.

"I'm sorry that you had to deal with that," he sighed. You turned around and pecked your husbands lips.

"It wasn't a problem, just go change the code so that she can't get back in," you smiled. Your husband nodded and kissed your nose before leaving for the gate. Your son finally fell asleep. Rubbing his back lightly you whispered to your infant, "Your daddy is the best man ever. He and mommy love you very much."

Your infant slept through the night much to your and Marc's happiness and the Nora chick from Marc's past never bothered you again. You were happily married with complete trust in your husband. Nothing could be better.

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