Marc Bartra (Part 10) [~] Contracted Love

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                You and Marc spent the day reconfiguring the nursery, seeing as it was thrown together last minute. You hung up all of the Barcelona knick knacks Marc's teammates had bought you guys and soon the nursery was basically turned into a mini Camp Nou. You held Tommy as Marc attempted to fix the fan.  He was getting frustrated as the fan wouldn't work, no matter how much he tinkered with it.

                You laughed as he shook the fan in anger. "Daddy's not an electrician is he?" you cooed to Tommy who opened his big eyes in response.

                "Well, I give up," Marc sighed, climbing down the step ladder.

                "It's not fixed, you may have even broken it even more but nice try," you teased. Marc rolled his eyes at you playfully and went to put the stepladder away. Tommy, now fully awake, let out a little whimper. "You hungry?" you asked. His following whine was enough of a yes for you. Marc walked in and stared at you and Tommy in the rocking chair. "Hey, peeping Tom over there, you want to get me a napkin?" you called.

                Marc muttered something under his breath before going to the bathroom to get you a napkin. Tommy was full and pulled away. Standing up, you grabbed the napkin from Marc and handed him Tommy. Marc burped him as you cleaned up a bit. Walking downstairs with Marc in tow, you grabbed the mini bathtub you had bought. "What's that for?"

                "Well we got to clean him, don't we? And he's long overdue for a bath," you stated, putting the mini bathtub in the sink. You ran the water at a moderate temperature. It was warm but not too warm so as to not scald your newborn. You took Tommy from Marc and unwrapped the blanket from around him. Pulling off his little hat and onesie, he was just let in his diaper. "Do you want to hold him or scrub him?" you asked Marc.

                "I'll hold him." Marc put him in the bathtub, only to have Tommy to scream at the top of his tiny lungs. "Hurry up!" You two quickly cleaned your son before wrapping him in a soft towel. Marc comforted him as you dumped out the water.

                "See that wasn't that bad, was it?" you cooed to your son who still whined. "I'll take that as a yes." You changed Tommy into a fresh onesie that had the Barcelona crest on the front of it. You put him down for another nap. Life with Tommy was amusing for you, to say the least. Tommy had the capability of hitting his father with whatever bodily fluid was on hand.

                When Marc changed his diaper for the first time, his shirt was soon covered in pee. "(Y/N)!" Marc called. You had rushed into the room, thinking that something was wrong. When you saw your husband covered in pee, you burst out laughing. Tommy giggled in his cute little newborn way. "Ha, ha, very funny," Marc muttered. You changed Tommy while Marc went to go shower.

                Of course, he couldn't stay home with you and Tommy for long because of football. They had given him a week off but then he was thrust right back into training. You and Tommy saw him off every morning. Standing on the front porch, Marc held Tommy in his hands. "Be a good boy for mommy, okay?"

In response, Tommy spit up and it landed on Marc's shirt. You burst out laughing as your husband sighed. "When you get older, I'm billing you for damages," Marc told Tommy before rushing inside and changing his shirt. You giggled.

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