Eden Hazard [~] I Know You

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For Starbucks2626: Eden Hazard

A.N. Modify the things that Eden says below to yourself. (It'll make sense when you read it)

You and Eden had been dating for close to six months and it had been all smooth sailing so far, except for that one mini fight on the side. You were falling for the Belgium, there was no denying that, and you were falling fast. Irreversibly fast. You didn't know how to react to that. Six months and you were already thinking about using the 'l' word. It was scary. Your heart had its scars and you didn't want to add Eden to the list.

You had been hurt in the past. This relationship was moving way too fast for you. You couldn't get hurt like before, you wouldn't be able to bear it. So, you took the easy way out, because you were scared, because you were a coward. "Eden, can we talk?" you asked one night, Eden was sitting on the couch, watching some late night comedy show.

"Yeah, sure. What do you want to talk about?"

"Us," you sighed. Eden turned off the show and focused solely on you and only you.

"I'm all ears."

"Eden . . . I . . . we . . . I want to break up," you sighed, playing with your hair, a habit you did when you were stressed.

"W-W-What? Was it something it did?"

"No, Eden. This is just moving too fast . . . I . . . maybe we can just be friends," you replied, looking into Eden's eyes. You could see the devastation clear as day on his face. You got up to leave when a hand grabbed your own.

"Don't leave, please don't leave me, (Y/N). We can take it slow, we can start over. Just please don't leave. I can't lose you."

"Yes you can. You'll find a nice girl and the two of you will have a beautiful life together. I'm not that girl, but she's out there somewhere," you assured Eden.

"I don't want just some girl, I want you. I want you by my side, I want you in my arms. I just can't let you leave. Please, (Y/N)."

"You'll be fine, Eden. I'll just be a passing memory, a blur of the past."

"No, it's not so easy to let go of someone you love," Eden responded, grabbing your other hand in his own. There it was, the elephant in the room. The dreaded 'l' word, the word that you couldn't just let roll of your tongue anymore.

"You don't love me, Eden. Six months isn't enough time to know a person, let alone love them," you said, backing away slowly.

"I love you, Eden. And I know you better than you know yourself," Eden stated.

"What do you know about me then, Eden? You don't know me, you can't know me," you pulled away, heading for the door.

"I know that your favorite color is blue because it reminds you of the sea. I know that your favorite season is fall, or autumn as you like to call it, because the leaves falling brings back memories of when you would jump into leaf piles as a kid. I know that your favorite food is just plain old cheese pizza because your grandparents owned a pizzeria when you were growing up. I know that you never leave the house without making sure you have your keys because when you were seventeen, you forgot your keys and were forced to ask your grandmother for a ride home from the dealership, which is one of the most embarrassing moments of your life. I know that you hate spiders after your brother said that spiders crawl into your brain and lay eggs while you sleep." You turned around to face Eden, tears in your eyes.

"I know that your only pet was a dog named Charlie, and that you promised to never own a dog again after he died because he was your best friend. I know that you hate you hair but you refuse to cut it until someone forces you to. I know your birthday, the name of the hospital where you were born, and the time when you were born. I know you hate your middle name. I know that you originally wanted to be a writer but your dad talked you into getting a more practical job, and I know you regret that decision every day. I know that you want to have three kids one day: two boys and a girl with the boys being older than the girl so that they can protect her like your older brothers protected you. I know that you're insecure about your body and that you hate showing off your midriff. I know that when we walk through the stores, you always silently look through the dress section because you don't want me to think that you're just some girly girl with no brain." You completely faced Eden, and the tears were starting to flow down your cheeks. Eden stepped closer and brushed the hair out of your eyes.

"I know that you relive all of your past mistakes whenever someone puts you down. I know that you're strong enough to take physical hurt, but once a bad comment slips out of the lips of the person you love, you're nearly in tears immediately. I know you sometimes cry silently in the bathroom when you take a shower whenever you've had such a bad day that you don't even want to think about it. I know that when you're mad, you whip out the sarcasm and turn into the most stubborn woman I've ever met. I know that when you're really sad you just shut yourself down and refuse to talk to people, and it's just waiting out the storm until it passes. I know that your heart has scars. I know that your greatest fear is being hurt by another guy again. I know that Richard, that blonde haired bastard, used you to get to your best friend. I know that since that day, you've locked up your heart and you've been scared of letting it out ever since. And I know completely and deeply in my heart that I love you more than anything else in the world. I know that every time I see a tear dribble down your face, I want to move mountains to make you smile again. I know that you're a broken hearted girl, and I know that I have bandages for your scars. I know that if you leave I'll be a mess, and Oscar's going to have to come drag my butt out of bed every morning. I know that you're the air for my lungs, the drive that keeps me going. I know I love you, (Y/N), and I know that you probably do to."

The tears had continued to flow as you and Eden stepped closer together. "I love you, (Y/N)."

"I love you too," you sobbed, pulling Eden into a tight hug. "I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be, you had a bad past with guys. But, the most broken people smile the brightest," Eden smiled, whipping the tears away. Connecting your lips, it was just you and Eden. No one else in the world, nothing else in the world mattered in that moment, except you and Eden.

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