Sergio Aguero [~] Roadside Miracle

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For Molly:

You and Sergio drove home from your baby shower party. It was dark and you were close to falling asleep. You were eight months pregnant and the baby shower had been thrown together last minute. Sergio held your hand. You shifted in your seat out of discomfort. "How are you feeling?" Sergio asked, noticing your discomfort.

"Junior just moving around a bit. It doesn't hurt, it's just uncomfortable," you explained.

"Easy Junior, let your mama get some rest," Sergio said aloud, rubbing your swollen belly. Your unborn child kicked your belly.

"I see I have a future footballer in my belly," you stated, smiling despite your uncomfortable feeling. Sergio stopped at the stop sign. There was almost no one out and about. It was mostly pitch black, except for the light coming from the headlights of your car. You could see a car coming up behind yours in the rearview mirror. Sergio continued driving. You looked back at the car behind you. It was driving in the middle of the road. "Sergio, watch out for the guy behind us, he's swerving," you stated.

Sergio looked back. "I'll pull over ahead so he can-" Before Sergio could finish, the swerving car hit the back of your car, sending it off the road. You screamed. Everything went black for a minute. When you came too again, you looked around for Sergio.

"Sergio," you whispered. The Argentine sat beside you. Looking groggy himself, he unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car. He walked around to your side and pulled you out too. You were both bleeding from several lacerations. You inspected your swollen belly to check for damage. There was only a slight scratch which relieved you. Sergio sat you in the grass away from the car.

"Are you okay? How's the baby?" Sergio asked, concerned. He looked back to see in the drunk driver was anywhere in sight. Swearing under his breath, he turned back towards you.

"I'm fine, just a few scratches," you assured your husband. He didn't look completely convinced. "Where's the phone? We have to call the police and such," you sighed, sitting up a bit. Sergio searched his pockets before swearing again.

"It's in the car, I'll be right back," he sighed, walking back towards the car. You rubbed your belly as a sharp pain caused you to gasp. Your pants became soaked and you gasped again. Pain consumed your thoughts. You looked down at your soaked pants. Luckily it wasn't blood. Silently wiping sweat from your brow in relief, your thoughts turned back to your pain.

"The baby's coming!" you shouted, hoping Sergio heard you. Your husband sprinted back towards you.


"The baby is coming," you growled through the pain. Sergio quickly dialed the ambulance and the police.

"My wife's going into labor! We were just hit by a drunk driver on 8-43 by the High Meadow Hill and are on the side of the road," Sergio said into the phone. As he talked on the phone, your pain worsened. You cried out as even more pain erupted in your lower abdomen. You laid down on the ground, praying that your child would not be born on the side of the road. Sergio stayed on the phone as he tended to you. You grabbed his arm.

"I don't know if I'll make it to the hospital, Sergio. You might have to deliver our baby," you cried. Sergio looked terrified before asking how long an ambulance would take to get here.

"Half an hour! What the hell are they doing, playing solitaire in the back room?!" Sergio screamed into the phone. You clenched your teeth as you could feel the baby moving in your stomach. Calming himself down, Sergio turned to look at you. "Can you last thirty minutes?" he asked.

You shook your head no as tears can to your eyes. "Sergio, I'm having this baby now, right now," you stated. He sighed before looking at the phone. Tossing it to the side, Sergio looked back at you.

"Tell me what to do, what do you need?" Sergio asked.

"Is there any water or clean rags anywhere?" you questioned, remembering what your mother had told you about child birth. Thank god you had known all of this information. Sergio sprinted and returned with a bottle of water that came from the car. Looking around for any clean clothes, Sergio pulled out one of the baby blankets you had gotten for the baby shower. Putting another blanket under you, you let out a pained breath. "I'm going to push, you're going to have to help pull the baby out," you told Sergio.

He nodded and you started pushing. You screamed in pain, in the middle of nowhere, giving birth to your child on the side of the road. Sergio was nervous, but he didn't let you know that. "I can see the head," Sergio stated.

"Get ready to pull then," you grunted, pushing again. You screamed, laying back more. Grunting, you pushed your child into the world. Sergio held your baby and pulled him out. A shrill cry of a baby emanated through the whole area. You laid back and smiled in relief. Sergio held your baby in his strong arms, tears coming to his eyes.

"It's a boy," he laughed, smiling with happy tears. You sat up and stared down at your new born son. In the distance, you could hear sirens. Smiling to yourself, Sergio kissed you on the head. "You did it, you did it," he smiled. The ambulance pulled over and the medical team jumped out. They got you to the hospital quickly and into a room. Doctors checked over you and your baby to make sure that you were okay. Sergio got stitches for a gash on his leg but was otherwise unharmed.

Your son was healthy and you couldn't be happier. Holding your son close to your chest, you turned to look at Sergio who sat next to you. He returned your stare and kissed you on the lips quickly. "Thank you for giving me a beautiful son," he said.

"Thank you for delivering him," you smiled. You snuggled into Sergio's chest, holding your son on your own. Your small family drifted to sleep after an exerting night.

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