Neymar [~] Daughters and Sons

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 Sighing, you ran your hand through your hair. You had been dating Neymar now for three months and he wanted to meet your family. The only problem with that is your daughter. You had gotten pregnant in your early twenties after a series of bad decisions and one too many drinks. You and your daughter's father shared semi-joint custody, you had her for Tuesday through Saturday while your daughter's father had her Sunday-Monday.

                You were nervous that Neymar would run away if you brought up the fact you had a daughter, like most of your ex-boyfriends did. You really like Neymar but if he wouldn't accept your daughter then you weren't positive you should stay in a relationship. You decided to tell Neymar your secret over dinner, prior to him meeting your daughter.

                You two went out to dinner one night at a slightly fancy restaurant. You two ordered your food before you brought up the subject of your daughter. "Neymar, before you meet my family, I have something to tell you," you stated.

                Looking at you confused, Neymar took your hand in his. "You can tell me anything, (Y/N)," he smiled at you. Sighing, you confessed your secret.

                "I have a daughter," you stated. Looking up at your boyfriend, his eyes became clouded by an emotion you could not identify before he started laughing. You raised an eyebrow at your boyfriend, who calmed himself down enough to continue the conversation.

                "That's the big secret you were afraid to tell me?" he asked.

                "Yes," you stated, a little offended. "Is this a joke to you?"

                "No! I was just laughing at the irony. I have a child too," he replied. You were shocked. Sure, Neymar had the air about him that he had slept around a bit but a child? "You didn't know that?"

                "No . . ."

                "I would have thought you would have Googled me by now," he replied.

                "I didn't want to be a stalker!" you retaliated. You boyfriend still chuckled behind his hand. "How about we set up a meeting between us and our kids," you stated.

                "Great! How old is your daughter?" Neymar questioned.

                "She'll be turning two in two weeks," you responded.

                "Davi is a little older. He's three," Neymar smiled. You two set up a date with your kids. Two weeks passed and you walked through Barcelona to their training grounds. The security guards waved you and your daughter through. Walking through the building, you took a left over to where an indoor field was set up for when conditions outside were not optimal.

                Neymar should be getting out of practice so you took a seat on a bench and sat your daughter on the ground. She started to pull the grass out of the ground until you rolled a ball into her grasp. She became occupied as you waited for your boyfriend. "(Y/N)!" Neymar called. Turning around, you waved at your boyfriend as he exited the locker room, a blonde boy, whom you assumed was Davi Lucca, was on his hip.

                Picking up your daughter, you walked over to your boyfriend. Giving Neymar a quick hug and kiss you turned your attention to Davi. "This is my son, Davi. Davi, this is (Y/N)," Neymar introduced. Davi waved shyly before whispering something in his father's ear. Neymar whispered something back and Davi smiled at you once again.

                "Hi, Davi. I'm (Y/N), and this is my daughter, (Y/D/N)," you replied. Your daughter looked up at the mention of her name and turned to look at Neymar and Davi. "(Y/D/N), this is Neymar and his son, Davi." Your daughter, always confident in herself, waved and smiled at the father and son. You and Neymar set them both on the ground. Davi looked up at Neymar questioningly before turning his attention to your daughter. Your daughter, not quite balanced, toddled over to a ball.

                She kicked the ball and Davi smiled, before walking over to your daughter. The two passed the ball in between the two of them with you and Neymar looking on with watchful eyes. "Well I think they'll get along just fine," you smiled.

                "Football is the international language, even for toddlers," Neymar smiled back, kissing you softly. Davi Lucca and your daughter warmed up to each other fast and acted like they had known each other their entire lives. You and Neymar were relieved, both of you agreeing and fully understanding that your respective children were the most important things to you. Davi called you Mama, reserving Mãe for his birth mother, which you were completely okay with.

                Likewise, your daughter called Neymar Pai, the Portuguese version of father, and her birth father Papa. The cohesiveness of your children allowed you and Neymar to buy a house together without too much worrying on either party. Also, when you two decided to get married, you weren't worried about how your children would react.

                You and Neymar were out shopping for small dresses and tuxes. Davi Lucca and Thiago Messi were getting fitted for mini tuxes, as they were ring bearers, while your daughter and Julia Emboaba were trying on different dresses for flower girls. You and Neymar agreed that the ring bearers didn't need coats and completed the shopping process. While the boys went to go pay, you sat with Ludy, Oscar's wife, and Toni, Leo's wife. "They look so cute," you squealed at the confused children.

                "Are you guys going to dance together?" Ludy asked the kids.

                "Do we have to?" Thiago asked. You all laughed.

                "It's just like Beauty and the Beast, you've all seen that," you told the children. Toni pulled up the video on her phone and showed the kids who tried to recreate it. Davi and your daughter paired up as Julia and Thiago did the same. You recorded a video on your phone of the four of them as three confused footballers walked into the room.

                "What's going on?" Neymar asked. You shushed him and continued to film the kids. Davi and your daughter, giggling, fell onto their butts in laughter. Thiago and Julia soon followed. "You're doing it wrong," Neymar told Davi, jokingly. "This is how you dance with a girl." Before you could say anything, Neymar yanked you to your feet and you two ballroom danced. The favorite picture of your wedding was the one with you and Neymar slow dancing while Davi and your daughter also slow danced in front of the two of you. Davi and your daughter looked like mini versions of you and Neymar and you found it to be cute.

Soccer/Football ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon