Harry Kane [~] Anger Management

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For crouchie28:

You were never the jealous type really. Your boyfriend was incredibly attractive, yes, and he did have a lot of girls screaming his name with the name Kane on their back. However, he never gave you any source of doubt that he was faithful. Likewise, as a successful person in your own right, you had your fair share of male attention. Harry was usually calm, cool, and collected, never letting his emotions and primal urges get the better of him.

At least when there were other guys around trying to claim you. You could care less about the male attention you got, your heart belonged to only one man, Harry Kane. No other man would even get close to claiming your heart as long as Harry was around to say anything about it. His possessiveness over you unleashed itself one night.

You were at a Tottenham game, supporting your boyfriend as usual when you caught the eye of another player on the field. And it wasn't Harry. A player on the other team had noticed you in the crowd and had was currently staring at you from the sidelines as he warmed up with his teammates. "Do you see that guy over there looking at you?" one of your fellow Tottenham WAGs pointed out. You were surprised at here statement and turned to see if it was indeed true. The player looked away quickly, sprinting towards his teammates.

 You raised an eyebrow at him and his actions. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Harry watching the guy sprint away. You turned to look at your boyfriend, who had an unreadable expression on his face. His fellow Tottenham players conjugated around him, ready to do another drill a part of their normal warm up before matches. Someone said something to Harry, which you couldn't make out from the distance, but whatever was said made Harry crack up instantly.

 You peeked over at the other player, the one that had been caught staring at you by yourself and your boyfriend. He looked away again after your eyes broke away from each other. You shrugged your shoulders and huffed. This should be interesting. You waited patiently for the game to start, chatting quietly with the other present people in the secluded box before the refs led the procession out of the tunnel. Harry's familiar blond head appeared from the depths of said tunnel, his hand clutching the hand of a small child in a Tottenham outfit.

You cheered as the players took the field, noticing the peeking player at the end of the other team's procession. The Tottenham fans cheered louder than the opponents before the ref placed the ball in the center circle. Tottenham stood outside of the center circle, preparing to immediately shut down their opponents' advances. The ref's whistle cut through the air as the ball left its mark. You watched as Harry jogged after the ball, his 6'1" frame towering over a good portion of his opponents.

 You followed Harry's movements up and down the field as the half dragged on. Tottenham conceded the first goal before bouncing back and scoring two off of set pieces. The first half ended. Harry headed towards the tunnel at the same time as the guy who had been staring at you. Harry noticed his approaching form and tilted his head to look over at the guy.

The opponent looked young, as young as you and Harry, maybe a little younger. He was smaller than Harry, an advantage you knew Harry would use in the end. The two walked side by side without incident, which calmed your nerves severely. They disappeared into the tunnel and you counted down the minutes until they would reappear and retake the field.

Fifteen minutes passed and the players, referees, coaches, etc. reemerged from the tunnel. Harry stood at the center circle, conversing with his teammates as the referee placed the ball on the center mark for the second time today. A shrill whistle reached your ears before Harry's foot put the ball into play. You smiled as he weaved through defenders with the ball at his feet. He passed the ball, which was intercepted by a certain footballer that Harry was not a fan of.

The peeping player returned to his center back position, eyes focusing on the ball as it continued up the field towards the Tottenham goal. The goalie saved it and punted the ball to Harry, who proceeded to take off with the ball at his feet. Harry wasn't the fastest striker around, but when you put the ball at his feet and a waiting net at the other end of the field, his feet started to fly down the field.

Only three individuals stood in his path: the goalie, the right back who had fallen back to prevent Harry from scoring, and the center back that had stared at you at the beginning of the game. Harry dribbled around the slow right back, leaving only two people in his path. The center back, with a determined look on his face, stepped forward to take on Marc. Holding your breath for a split second, Harry and the center back collided, and both fell back.

The ref blew the whistle after both Harry and the center back clutched their heads. Medics rushed out and you hoped that they were both okay, although you of course favored the health of your boyfriend. They sat next to us on the ground. Harry muttered something that no one else in the stadium could here, save for the poor center back that had decided to lay his eyes on Harry's girlfriend, you.

Unbeknownst to you, Harry muttered these following words: "You look at my girlfriend one more time like that, the stretcher that's waiting over there is going to be taking you off in a body bag. Got it?" Harry growled. The center back nodded quickly. Harry didn't mention that to you, to his teammates, to anyone for that matter. Because they already knew that no one looked at you like you were theirs, except for Harry. And Harry would do anything and everything to make sure of that.

A.N. Sorry if this came off as really possessive and such. It wasn't my intention to be viewed that way.

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