Marc Bartra (Part 3) [~] Contracted Love

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                You twirled the engagement ring around your finger. Per your request, you had gotten a smaller ring. It had a beautiful diamond that was complemented by intricate silver framing. Marc sat across the table from you, wedding plans thrown in front of you. Sighing, you picked up another venue description. "It's too out in the open, we need more secluded," you stated, passing the form to Marc. He agreed and you crossed off another location choice off the list.

                "What do we still have to do?" Marc sighed.

                "Location, date, time, flowers, invitations, basically everything," you responded.

                "Well what about this place," Marc said, handing you a flyer. You scanned over the details. It was a small chapel located next to a private beach. It was perfect. It was right next to the beach but was still up on a hill so you wouldn't have to worry about sand dragging throughout your reception. A reception hall was provided and it was a good size.

                "I like it," you replied, "What about you?"

                "It's perfect, no?" Marc smiled. You agreed and picked your location. Setting that aside, you and Marc started to debate about dates. "It should be in the summer, so it doesn't interfere with football."

                "I can't do August, I have a tour all that month," you stated.

                "How about June? Football should be over and it should be early enough to not interfere with international football," Marc stated.

                "I like June, but it should be later, that way there's no conflicts with our families because they'll all be off for the summer," you replied. You and Marc decided on June 21st and booked it with the venue. You two worked up until ten o'clock at night on your wedding plans. You had crossed a lot of things off your list so far, which you were grateful for.

                You walked upstairs to yours and Marc's shared bedroom. After the two of you had grown closer, it wasn't as weird for you two to share a room. You climbed into your side of the bed, pulling the covers over your head. Marc walked in after you and hopped into bed as well. The two of you dozed off, content for the moment. You awoke to Marc's soft snoring.

                Opening your droopy eyes, you realized your position. You had curled up on Marc's chest. Marc had wrapped an arm around your body, keeping you in close proximity. Marc was still asleep and you stared at his features. His soft snores were adorable, though you would never admit it, and you could see a bit of drool in the corner of his mouth which made you giggle.

                Marc's soft snores subsided and he woke up. You got out of bed and walked downstairs into the kitchen. As you cooked breakfast the phone rang. You picked up the phone and continued to cook at the same time. "Hello?" you asked.

                "(Y/N), this is Martha. We're going wedding dress shopping today," Martha stated.

                "And you were going to tell me when?"

                "I just told you. Be presentable by noon, I'm coming to pick you up. I already invited Marc's mother," Martha informed. You told Martha ok before hanging up. You had met Marc's mother a few times. She was a nice woman and you could see the similarities between her and Marc. Noon time rolled around and you were on your way to a bridal shop. You followed Martha into the shop, over to the counter. The lady led you over to a secluded hallway where Marc's mother was already waiting.

                "Hello, nice to see you," she smiled at you, coming to hug you.

                "Thank you, you too," you responded. Your mother wasn't here which made you a little sad. You shook it off, remembering all the nasty things she had said to you a few years ago that had severed your ties to her. You started to try on dresses. You were a little picky but nothing was even close to what you wanted to wear. All the dresses had been picked out by Martha, you could tell. A knock on the door alerted your attention to Marc's mother. She stood holding a dress in one hand.

                "Try this one on," she smiled, handing you the dress. You nodded and changed into the dress. You walked out of the changing room and stood in front of the mirror. The dress was light and had a bit of lace on the bodice. It was flowy perfect for a beach wedding.

                "I love it," you smiled, twirling in a circle. After paying for the dress, you hugged Marc's mother good bye and got into the car with Martha. She listed things that you still had to do but you weren't listening. Martha handed you a list of things to do before the wedding and you bid her goodbye. Marc's car was in the driveway. "His practice must be over," you thought.

                Walking into the house, you looked around for Marc. He was in the living room, looking at wedding plans. "How was dress shopping?" he asked.

                "I hate shopping but it was actually a little fun," you said, plopping down across from Marc. The wedding drew closer and it brought more nerves with it. Before you knew it, it was your wedding day. Your friends and some of the Barcelona WAGs prepped you for your walk down the aisle. You and Marc had decided on a small reception of just close friends and family.

                You hugged your friends good bye before grabbing your bucay. Taking a deep breath, you walked down the aisle. The aisle was short but you just focused on Marc. He stood all dressed in his tux, flanked by his twin brother and other groomsmen. You two stood on the altar. After your vows were read, you faced Marc.

                The rings were presented and soon on your fingers. "I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss you wife," the priest said. This was going to be your first kiss. You grew nervous, you had never been kissed before. Marc leaned down and connected your lips. You wrapped your arms around his neck and smiled into the kiss. You pulled back to cheers of the small crowd.

                The reception went smoothly. You and Marc danced the night away and it was the first time in a while that you were genuinely happy. The food was delicious and before you knew it, Marc was whisking you away to your honeymoon. You were living in paradise. You and Marc actually had a connection, which was growing stronger by the second.  In paradise, the sun shone beautifully over you and Marc. However, there were storm clouds on the horizon.

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