Toni Kroos [~] World Cup Final Love

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For Joey-Neko:

You stood watching on the sidelines as your best friend battled with his friends and teammates for the ultimate accomplishment for a footballer, the World Cup. You had met Toni when you were both still teenagers after he had accidently hit you in a park with his football as he practiced. You two had grown close and since his parents weren't able to make it for the final, he had flown you out to witness the match live in Rio de Janeiro.

You had been on the edge of your seat as the pressure seemed to gnaw away at everyone in the stadium. Toni stood with his teammates, about to take a free kick. He looked natural on the field. He was dorky off of it, at least around you, but he looked in his prime whenever he had a ball at his feet and a goal in front of him.

Mario Gotzë ran towards the front post as a past came in. You and everyone else in the stadium, hell in the world, watched as the ball transferred from Mario's chest to his foot, past the keeper, and into the goal. The shock wore on for a second for you before you jumped up and screamed at the top of your lungs. The German flag on your cheek, a Kroos jersey on your back, and German pride in your heart, you watched as the Germans piled on top of Mario.

Argentina missed their last chance and the referee blew the whistle for the last time. The German players immediately rejoiced, some crying from sheer happiness. You rejoiced with them. Your best friend was a World Cup champion, you thought to yourself, smiling at the sound. The players ran around, congratulating each other as the Argentinians dropped to their knees, tears of sadness falling from their eyes. You sympathized with them, having seen Germany come close to the title for the past World Cups, only to have it ripped away from them.

But now, Germany had the title and your best friend and his teammates held the title. The crowd's cheering intensified as a few German players ran over to the barricades, one of them your best friend. "(Y/N)!" Toni shouted, staring straight at you. You nodded and maneuvered your way towards him. With an okay from Toni, the security guards let you through. The stands were elevated, compared to the pitch, forcing you to wrap your arms around Toni's neck as he swung you down to the pitch.

With your feet firmly on the ground, you hugged Toni tightly. "You're a champion!" you smiled widely, pulling away from the hug. Toni smiled back and hugged you tightly again as he basically carried you over to his teammates. Setting you down for good, you released your hands from around Toni's neck. "What's wrong, you're not saying anything. Most of the time I can't get you to shut up," you joked.

"(Y/N), I have something to tell you," Toni said as Lukas, Bastian, and Thomas passed by the two of you.

"Toni's got a girlfriend. Toni's got a girlfriend," they chanted as Toni pushed them away jokingly. Blushing slightly, you turned your attention back to your best friend.

"As I was saying, I have something to tell you." Toni took a deep breath, muttering something to himself that you didn't quite catch, before he held your face in his hands. He pulled your face towards his, connecting your lips. Fireworks went off in the background, as you wrapped your arm around Toni's neck. He placed his hands on your waist.

Pulling away, breathless, you smiled up at Toni. "You had something to tell me?"

"I thought it was better to just show you," he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Well I never said stop, did I?" you laughed. Toni quickly pulled you into another kiss as a camera flash was directed at you. Pulling away, you and Toni looked to see Mesut with the camera, Erik and Julian next to him.

"Control the PDA! There are children around," Julian stated, covering Erik's eyes. You and Toni rolled your eyes at his teammates actions. Toni lightly grabbed your hand, leading you to look back up at your German.

"I love you, (Y/N). And no matter how many times we get interrupted," Toni shouted towards his laughing teammates, "I just wanted you to know that."

"I love you too, Toni," you smiled, hugging him tightly. "I have for a while actually," you admitted, remembering the first time you had seen Toni. His hair had been tousled and he had had a bruise on his cheek from a ball he got during a game, but your sixteen-year-old heart immediately leapt in excitement when you laid eyes on him.

"Good. Otherwise, I'd look like such an idiot right now." His teammates shouted at him to get in line to get their medals. "Don't leave beautiful," he winked, running over to his teammates.

"Wouldn't dream of it," you sighed to yourself. Watching him lift the trophy as a World Cup champion, the medal gleaming from his chest, you couldn't have been more proud. He returned to you, his eyes gleaming with happiness and pride.

"You didn't run away," he said, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.

"Why would I? Everything that matters to me is right next to me," you replied, resting your head on his shoulder. The crowd slowly died down, leaving the players and their families mostly undisturbed.

"Hey, Toni! Kiss her!" Bastian and Lukas shouted together, brandishing a camera. Toni swept you off your feet and into his arms. You laughed as he connected your lips once again. You pulled away as Toni walked towards Bastian and Lukas.

"If you'll excuse me and my girlfriend," Toni jokingly mocked the duo, walking away with you still in his arms.

"You never asked me to be your girlfriend," you pointed out.

"Well I just assumed you would have said yes. But for formalities sake, will you, (Y/N) (Y/L/N), be my girlfriend?" Toni asked, setting you on the ground.

"Hmm, I'll have to think about it," you winked before starting to walk away. Toni wasn't having any of it and pulled you back into his embrace.

"I won't let you go until you say yes," he stated, trying and failing to sound serious.

"Well then, I'll never say yes because why would I want to leave your arms?" you questioned, resting your head on Toni's chest. "But, fine. Yes, I'll be your girlfriend, Toni Kroos," you said as Toni littered your face with kisses, making you giggle and scrunch your nose.

"PDA!" someone shouted, probably Julian again. In response, Toni pulled you into another kiss. The picture of Toni with you in his arms where you were kissing was slapped in newspapers, magazines, news, etc. They were usually titled 'Toni Kroos and Girlfriend Get it On at World Cup Final' which made you and Toni always burst out in laughter. It also caused his teammates to call him Kissy Kroos, which amused you. And as long as you were happy, Toni was happy.

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