Marco Reus [~] Make a Wish

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For Luscious-Chambers: Marco Reus

Aishah's brother had been diagnosed with leukemia at age four. When he finished fighting the disease at age six, the Make a Wish Foundation asked him what he wanted as his wish. Her brother's answer was simple. "Can I get a signed Marco Reus jersey, a German national team one?" he had asked the organizers. They had nodded and smiled, promising to return with the jersey.

Marco Reus had been an inspiration for Aishah's brother. While he lay sick in his hospital bed, he would watch all of the Bundesliga and German national team matches that were broadcasted. He soon became an avid Marco Reus fan. He could name all the stats about Marco Reus from as far back as his days at Borussia Mönchengladbach. He could basically tell Marco's whole career story and could name Marco's idols and such.

It had been about two weeks after the organizers had talked to her brother, when Aishah had gotten the phone call from them. They had asked her and her family to meet them at the German national team museum. Two days later, Aishah walked into the museum, her hand tightly clutching that of her brother's as her parents walked behind them. She saw the organizers over in the corner and walked over to them. They smiled at her brother as the two of them neared.

"Here's your Marco Reus jersey," they said, showing her brother the jersey. "As you can see, it's not signed, but there's quiet the explanation to it." Before Aishah or her brother could say anything, the curtain behind the organizers opened and revealed Marco Reus. Aishah and her brother stood in shock as he made his way over to her brother.

"I wanted to sign it for you, in person," Marco smiled, kneeling down so that he was eye level with Aishah's brother. Her brother's eyes widened, just staring at Marco.

"Go on, say something," she urged her brother. "He's your idol isn't he?" Her brother nodded, still seemingly in shock. Marco was handed the jersey and a marker. Placing the jersey on the table, he signed the jersey and handed it to her brother.

"Thank you," Aishah's brother stuttered, staring up at Marco, still surprised. "Can I hug you?" her brother asked shyly. Marco smiled and leaned down to hug her brother. Aishah and her parents smiled. As Marco pulled away, he grabbed the ball on the table, tossing it between his hands.

"I have a few more things for you. This ball is signed by the majority of the German national team," Marco stated, showing the ball to her brother.

"But there's no signatures," Aishah's brother said, looking confused.

"Oh, that's right. I forgot to ask them. Might as well ask them now, hey guys! You want to come out and sign the ball for him?" To Aishah's family's further shock, the curtain opened once more, but this time a few other German national team guys walked out. Her brother looked shocked but smiled when the guys offered him high fives. They passed the ball and signed it, handing the ball back to her brother.

"Thank you so much," Aishah said to the footballers, having never expected something like this to happen to her brother.

"It's no problem. And, on behalf of the German national team, here is four tickets to the international friendly in two days," Bastian Schweinsteiger smiled, handing Aishah the tickets.

"And he gets to walk out of the tunnel with me before the match," Marco smiled. Her brother looked as shocked as ever, but at the same time happier than Aishah had ever seen him.

"And if it's okay with your family, you can come play some football with us now, if you would like to," the guys offered.

"Do you want to play with them?" Aishah asked her brother, kneeling down so that she was eyelevel with him.

"Yes," he whispered.

"Well, tell them then," Aishah urged.

"I'll play," her brother stated. The guys nodded and led the way out of the museum to the adjacent field. A few balls were on the sidelines and the guys set up a scrimmage. Aishah and her parents watched on the sidelines as her brother ran alongside the guys. He smiled bigger and wider than Aishah had ever seen him smile.

He dribbled down the field, the ball at his feet, reaching the goal box. He kicked the ball, rolling it past Manuel Neuer and into the goal. The guys on his team celebrated with him, lifting him into the air as he giggled. After another two goals, the guys walked back over to Aishah and her family. Aishah's brother looked tired but happier than she had ever seen him before.

"Thank you so much," Aishah told the players, shaking their hands as her brother stood by her side.

"It was our pleasure," they replied. Aishah's brother waved good bye to the guys as their family walked away. Two days had passed before Aishah and her family entered the stadium. She dropped her brother off with Marco before she and her parents took their seats. The pregame formalities started with the players and referees exiting the tunnel.

At the back of the line, Aishah's brother walked alongside Marco Reus as they walked towards the center of the field. Lining up as usual, the teams stood in straight lines when the announcer came on over the speaker. "On behalf of the Make a Wish Foundation, let's cheer for Renaud, who successfully beat leukemia and whose wish was to get a signed jersey from Marco Reus."

Her heart swelled as the stadium filled up with cheers as people started to give her brother a standing ovation. He stepped forwards a little bit, waving to the crowd before retreating back. The German national anthem soon played, as well as the opponent's national anthem. The kids were then ushered off the field. Aishah's brother made his way up to her and their parents as kick off took place. And twenty minutes into the first half, Marco Reus scored a spectacular goal, dedicating it to Aishah's brother.

A.N. Soony Saad is next!

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