James Rodriguez [~] You Belong With Me

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  Trying to hold back tears, you lean back on the door, sliding down to the floor. It couldn't be true, there must have been a mistake of some kind. This was just some sick dream, right? Looking back down at the invitation, your brain pointed out the reality your heart refused to accept.

                You are invited to the wedding of James Rodriguez and Carmen Pena.

                How? Why? You didn't know what James saw in her. She wasn't at all who you expected James to end up with. Then again, you had hoped he would realize that you two were meant for each other. James was perfection in your eyes whereas Carmen was not. James was an angel, Carmen was a devil in disguise.

                She constantly put you down and threatened you. If it wasn't for your love of the Colombian or your ancient ties, you would have shipped out long ago. You and James had met when he was just starting out his footballer career. Your father had been one of his first coaches and you had met him through your father. Nearly ten years later, here you were sitting on your bathroom floor clutching his wedding invitation in one hand.

                She was a model for lingerie, which you didn't really care about. What you did care about was the fact that she was having an affair with her photographer. In a jealous rage, she had told you. She spat it in your face, literally. You told James, but he was in denial and refused to talk to you for two days, which for the two of you felt like an eternity.

                You were angry. Angry at James, how could he have not seen that she was trouble? Angry at Carmen, all she would do would hurt James. Angry at yourself, for not telling James your feelings first. You were undeniably in love with your best friend and you had been since that time in high school when he stood up for you in front of the school's bullies.

                Your anger and sadness all boiled until you finally relieved it by sobbing. You sat there, like the pitiful person you were and cried like a little baby. The ringing of your phone disturbed your self-pity. Grabbing your phone, you looked at the caller ID. It was James. "Hello?"

                "Hello! How are you, (Y/N)?" James asked.

                "I'm good, how are you?"

                "Great, you got the invitation right?"

                "Yeah, congratulations," you forced yourself to say.

                "Thanks. By the way, are you free Tuesday? Carmen is going shopping for a wedding dress and bridesmaid dresses, can you go with her?"

                "Yeah, I'm free," you replied.

                "Great! Oh, I almost forgot, you're a bridesmaid! See you soon, (Y/N)," he responded. You said good bye before hanging up. James' blatant ignorance is what hurt you the most. Tuesday rolled around and you arrived at a bridal salon. It also happened to sell bridesmaid dresses. Walking in, you quickly found Carmen and her posse. She glared at you.

                "The only reason you're here is because of James. Don't forget that," she threatened.

                "No problem," you replied. Sitting down, you stared at the floor, bored out of your mind. You waited for a few other people to arrive before Carmen went back to try on dresses.

                "Hello Mrs. Rodriguez," Carmen stated with a sickly sweet smile.

                "Hello Carmen," she responded. Taking a seat next to you, Mrs. Rodriguez smiled at you. "How are you, (Y/N)?"

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