Thomas Müller [~] Opposite Paths

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You and Thomas had started to date after meeting at a bar in Germany one night. Five dates later and here you were. You two had been officially dating for two months and things were going smoothly. There was the occasional problem with work conflicts but other than that you two would see each other daily. You had agreed to go to one of his games on your free day, something you were excited for and nervous for at the same time. This would mean that you two were official, which you were happy about, but you didn't know if Thomas's teammates would like you or if even the other WAGs would like you.

Smoothing out your Thomas Müller jersey, you showed the guard your pass and he let you into the exclusive WAG section. It was a Germany national team match and Thomas seemed confident that Germany would walk away with the win. Looking around at the seats you were relieved to see a familiar face amongst the crowd. Ann-Katherin, Mario Gotzë's girlfriend, waved at you. You had met her at a Bayern party. "Finally officially becoming a WAG?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm so excited for the game!" you smiled back. You had played football all through high school but had abandoned it to pursue your studies. You missed it dearly though. That separated you from the rest of the WAGs who were either in the entertainment business or models, etc. You on the other hand were a student at a prestigious college getting your Ph d in genetics. You were a through and through nerd. If this was high school, you would be the girl in all honors/AP classes with the dork classes and the other WAGs would be the girls with the designer clothes that never had a bad hair day. It scared you, until you met Ann. The game started and you were paying great attention to the game.

After a foul on Germany you protested, seeing as the opponent clearly took out Reus from behind. Looking around though, you noticed that the rest of the WAGs hadn't said anything to protest the action, not even a change in their facial expression. Turning to Ann, you asked her, "Do we not cheer or yell or anything like that?"

"You can if you want. Most of the girls don't understand the game, and the rest find it boring." Frowning slightly you turned your attention back to the game, you held your breath as Thomas dribbled down the side of the field. Passing it quickly to Bastian, your boyfriend got open for another pass. With a pretty much perfect pass from Bastian, your boyfriend successfully finished. You jumped up and cheered for your boyfriend as his teammates gathered around him. You sat back down in your chair and felt pairs of eyes on your back. Peeking backwards, you noticed a few of the other WAGs staring at you like you had three heads.

Uncomfortable, you quietly watched the restart of the game. After all was said and done, Germany had won 3-0. You followed Ann and the other WAGs downstairs to the players room. They sat down around the room, pulling out their phones and texting people. You stood awkwardly in the corner until the boys started to file through the door. Seeing your German, you walked forward. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you allowed Thomas to pull you off the ground. He was 6' 1 and you were only 5' 3". Pecking his lips quickly, you smiled at your boyfriend. "Great goal," you smiled as he set you back on the ground.

"Thanks. Do you want to go with me to the after party?" Thomas asked, his ever present smile causing you to consider. You had classes the next day and were apprehensive to losing sleep. Sensing your hesitation, Thomas begged for you to go with him and you conceded. He led you over to his car and drove to his house first to grab real clothes and then to a bar, similar to the one you two had met at. Taking your hand in his own, Thomas pulled you over to a burly man holding a clipboard. With one look at Thomas, the man let the two of you into the room just for the party.

Ann-Kathrin popped out of no where and dragged you over to a few other WAGs that sat around the table while Thomas went to join his friends. She handed you a glass of questionable liquid, though you were certain it contained alcohol, and introduced you to the other women. "So what do you do?" one of them asked, you had forgotten her name.

"Well I'm a student. I'm still in university," you spoke.

"What are you studying?"

"Genetics," you replied, looking at the glass of alcohol with distaste. You weren't overly fond of alcohol in any form. It tasted disgusting to you and you hated the burning in your throat that came with the more pungent forms.

"So, like DNA?" another WAG asked.

"Yeah, I-"

"-Most of us aren't students. We're all models and singers usually." Feeling a little out of place you remained quiet. Looking around the table you silently compared yourself to the other WAGs even though this violated everything you believed in. To your sadness, you realized that all these women were beautiful. Granted, you were around the same age as these women if not younger than them. Yet, here they were with beautiful bodies and faces that make men go weak at the knees.

"You sound so pitiful right now, (Y/N)," you told yourself. "How did Thomas even notice me in the bar? I'm smart but does a footballer really look for brains in a girlfriend? Or do they prefer a girl that will look good on their arm? One they won't be embarrassed at being seen with in public? Sighing, you looked up. The rest of the women seemed occupied and you walked away from them, dumping your still full glass of alcohol in a plant and heading towards the exit. You walked through the crowded club and out into the streets. There was a few people milling around but otherwise the street was empty.

Walking away from the bar, you wrapped your arms around yourself. You didn't belong here, you didn't belong with Thomas, you didn't belong with the WAGs. With your luck, the sky seemed to open up and let rain down onto the German streets. You were quickly soaked to the bone as the rain reached torrential downpour but were too wrapped up in your thoughts to really care. "(Y/N)!" you heard. Turning around, you saw Thomas jogging over to you. He caught up with you quickly and looked down at you with a confused expression. "What are you doing out here? You could of just told me you wanted to leave," Thomas joked.

You didn't laugh or crack a smile which caused the smile to fall from your boyfriend's face as well. "I think we should stop seeing each other," you sighed.

"What?! Why!? Have I done something wrong?" Thomas asked, shocked.

"No! No, not at all. You are an amazing human being, Thomas Müller. It's just . . . I don't . . . we don't . . . I don't belong here," you sighed.

"You don't belong here?"

"I'm a student at university. You're a footballer. You're supposed to date a beautiful model that's on the covers of magazines. A couple like us isn't supposed to exist."

"Says who? The other WAGs? Society? Who said that, (Y/N)?" Thomas questioned, an unreadable expression on his face.

"I don't know . . . you should be with a beautiful girl that will make you happy."

"I already have that, it's you silly."


"-You are the most beautiful girl I've ever met and your also the smartest. You're shy when you meet someone new but once you get comfortable you can be the loudest and most boisterous person on the planet. And you hate it when I call you beautiful because you blush so red that you look like a tomato. You're the type of girl, no, the only girl that I want to spend my time with, period."

"Our jobs are so different-"

"-I'm a footballer, not complicated. You are going to university to become a geneticist, little more complicated. I kick a ball into a goal and you study gene things under that microscope. I may have no clue as to what you are looking for but I know that it is really nerdy, which describes you perfectly. You wouldn't skip a lecture no matter how much I paid you." Thomas continued to ramble and you felt stupid for doubting your relationship.

Thomas's rambling went on and on until you cut him off with a quick kiss, a kiss in the rain. "I'm sorry for being stupid. You probably think I'm one of those self-conscious attention whores now," you stated, blushing.

"Well then you are my self-conscious attention whore, and don't you forget it," Thomas jokingly chided, pulling you into another kiss in the rain.  

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