Isco [~] Ugly Duckling

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In high school, you weren't really the popular girl. You spent your time drawing in the corner by yourself. You had a few friends but besides that, there was really no one else in the school that noticed you. You kept to yourself, out of security reasons. You wore glasses for one thing which was dubbed the mark of the stupid at your high school. You also had braces, which you had no control over.

Anyways, your senior year rolled around and with it prom season. You didn't expect to get asked by anyone, you didn't even think about going to prom. That is until Francisco asked you to prom. He was nicknamed Isco and was the soccer star of the school. Scouters for big clubs came out to watch his games, and he was the coolest kid in school.

All the girls wanted to go out with him and he had asked you out. You should have been suspicious, you should have said no to his invitation, knowing it was too good to be true. You had bought a dress and a corsage and you had showed up to prom, with Isco on your arm. You couldn't believe this was happening to you. You and Isco danced the night away. He was dubbed prom king but you weren't given the prom queen title, which you didn't care about.

Isco drove you home and kissed you that night. You thought he actually cared about. Too bad it was really all a hoax. The next day at school, your few friends told you that Isco had taken you to prom as a bet. And everyone knew it was a bet, except for you. Angry, you confronted Isco who laughed in your face in front of the whole school. Embarrassed, you barely showed your face around school anymore.

You instead focused on your career. What everyone had failed to notice was that you had been drawing fashion designs. After you were handed your diploma, you headed straight to an internship with some of the top fashion designers in the world. You quickly rose amongst the ranks as you worked with such a diverse group of colleagues. Your braces came off, and after a few whitening strips looked just like a model's. You exchanged the glasses for contacts and took more time to get ready in the morning.

You quickly became a leading fashion designer in Madrid, where you had your own collection showing at age twenty one, an amazing feat and collection of your hard work since high school ended. Through your work, you had met Sergio Ramos, who had invited you to a Real Madrid game. You knew his wife well too. You met her outside the stadium and walked to your seats together.

What you didn't expect was that you would see a familiar face amongst the Real Madrid starters. "You've got to be kidding me," you spat, training your eyes on the face of a certain Spaniard.

"What, what's wrong?" Pilar asked.

"Isco," you stated, "He and I went to high school together."

"Really? Then you two must be friends."

"Oh, no not at all. Far from it actually." You then went on to explain the whole prom incident to Pilar.

"That little puta!" she growled.

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