Jack Wilshere [~] Flower Girl and Ring Bearer

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Jack Wilshere

Some people out there find their other half through unforeseen circumstances. Some people never find their other half. And yet, others meet their other half at a young age, like you and Jack. You two had initially met at your aunt's wedding and his older cousin's wedding. You were four and Jack was five, which he had kept reminding you about at the time.

You had a mass of curls for hair at age four and your mother had managed to force the curls into a small bun a top your head. You were forced into a pink frilly dress that was really itchy. You kept trying to hide so that your mother wouldn't have to force you into it, but you weren't successful. The dress you were really going to wear was white but you hadn't put it on for the rehearsal.

Jack's hair had been combed and he was forced into a nice button up shirt and nice pants, for a five-year-old at least. Everyone always thought that your first meeting would have been really cute. However, Jack Wilshere didn't like cute at age five. "Do I have to walk down with her?" he whined to his mother, who plopped him next to you in response.

"Yes you do. Behave, Jack," she warned. Your mother did likewise before both of your mothers walked away to take their seats. You had looked over at Jack with curiosity.

"What's your name?" you had shyly asked.

"Jack, what's your?"

"(Y/N), I'm four!" you smiled, excited to tell everyone that you had reached the big number four.

"Well, I'm five, that makes me an almost grown up," he replied snootily.

"No it doesn't."

"Yes it does."

"No it doesn't."

"Yes it does."

"No it doesn't."

"I wouldn't expect you to know. You're still a baby," Jack said.

"I am not."

"You are too."

"I am not."

"You are too."

"I am not."

"You are too. And you have cooties too."

"I don't have cooties!" you shrieked, drawing some looks from passersby.

"Yes you do. You're a girl, girls have cooties."

"Then why were you holding your mom's hand? She's a girl."

"That's different. She's my mom so she doesn't have any cooties."

"She's still a girl!"

"But she's my mom. See, you still are a baby, baby."

"I am not a baby!" you stamped your foot down onto his.

"Ow!" Jack yelped, hopping around on one foot as you glared at him. The wedding planner started to set up the procession. When she got to you two, her eyes seemed to roll themselves.

"Children! Time to take your places," she motioned for you to stand next to each other. "Now, (Y/N), you'll be carrying this basket with petals in it. There's none in it today but in the real wedding, you throw them down, okay?" You nodded.

"Now, Jack, you're carrying the rings. Just hold this pillow straight and your job is done. Don't trip," the wedding planner warned before pushing the two of you closer to each other, despite your and Jack's protests. The rehearsal went smoothly, besides the minor fighting you and Jack did on the side. The wedding day had come and you and Jack did your jobs as you were told to do.

The couple kissed and the congregation cheered. "Isn't that romantic? When I get married, I want the groom to sweep me off my feet, like I'm Cinderella," you told Jack, who looked at you distastefully.

"Who says you're going to get married?" Jack questioned.

"I say so."

"But you'd need a groom to get married."

"I'll find one," you replied. "What about you, are you going to get married?"

"No. I don't want a girl to kiss me. That's disgusting."

"You're disgusting," you muttered.

"At least I'll have girls that like me," Jack shot back.

"I don't like you," you responded.

"Good, because I wouldn't want to marry you anyways, you're annoying," Jack stated.

"Well I'd rather kiss a toad then marry you!"

"Good, then you'd be a toad kisser!"

"Well I'd rather be a toad kisser than your wife!" you shouted at Jack. Your mothers pulled you apart before a temper tantrum party started. As your mother walked away with you on her hip, you had sent one last glare Jack's way, followed by sticking out your tongue at him. Ironically, neither of you stuck to your words because here you were, now an adult woman about to be married to the love of your life, Jack Wilshere.

You two had met each other again in your teenage years, becoming best friends instantly. One thing led to another and now you and Jack were about to be married. With bouquet in hand, your arm linked with your father's, your procession down the aisle started. Everyone fell silent as the music started to play and stood up as you walked down the aisle, a wide smile on your face.

Your father whispered a few last minute tips but you were focused on one dimpled face standing at the altar. He had been talking with a few of his teammates when Wojciech had tapped him, causing his attention to drift from his teammates to you. Small sequins on your dress caught the light that cascaded into the room, keeping everyone's eyes on you and only you as you reached the end of your procession.

Jack stepped down and took your free hand. "Remember my warning, mate. I'm a man of my word," your father whispered to Jack, which caused your mother, who was sitting nearby, to slap your father lightly.

"Of course, sir," Jack nodded, an infectious smile on his face as he helped you up to the altar. Everyone sat down as the officiator recited the ceremony. You and Jack locked hands and smiled as you stared into each other's eyes.

"The rings, please." You and Jack chuckled at how Archie stumbled forward, rings still safe on the small pillow. You heard giggling behind you. Turning around, your smile deepened when you saw your best friend's daughter trying and failing to contain her laughter at Archie's slip up. Archie glared at her before walking back over to where Alex stood.

"I think there's another love story about to be written," you told Jack, motioning between your friend's niece and Archie. He laughed lightly as you two reiterated what the officiator had said to you. With golden bands on your fingers, you and Jack looked at the officiator expectantly.

"It is at this time that I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride." You and Jack kissed sweetly as everyone around you cheered. If only four-year-old you and five-year-old Jack could see the two of you now.

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