Fernando Torres [~] Match Day

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                Life with Fernando and your two children was hectic to say the least. Getting the kids to and from school and dealing with Fernando's job were two priorities that contradicted each other. Since Fernando was always away at practice or a game, you were usually always in charge of the kids. You loved your children and your husband loved your kids too. It's just that they are sometimes a handful.

                Anyways, today Fernando had a game. The kids had the day off from school and you wanted to get out of the house. So, you were going to attend Fernando's game. Minor problem, or a not so minor one, was that you had two children to also drag there. Mentally preparing yourself for the worst, you walked into the kitchen where your children were playing on the floor. Picking up Leo, you pulled Nora up and led them to the kitchen table.

                Dishing out breakfast, you rushed to get your kids ready for the game. Pulling a Papa jersey onto bother of them, you quickly dressed yourself and completed your children. "Alright, ready to go see papa?" you asked your kids, who squealed in response. You buckled the both of them into the car and drove towards the stadium. Looking around at the Spanish scenery, you thanked God that your family had moved back to Spain.

                You had missed it while Nando played for Chelsea and you couldn't be happier to be back. Pulling into the stadium, you pulled out your passes and got the kids out of the car. You sat Leo on your hip and led Nora by hand into the stadium. The guards waved you in and you found your seat easily. You sat your kids in the seats you had reserved and let out a breath. "Half way done," you told yourself.

                "Mama, can we play?" Leo babbled.

                "Stay where Mama can see you," you responded, kissing your son's head. You loved your children but sometimes they just drained you. The players got of the fields, meaning that the match was going to start soon. "Leo! Nora! The game's going to start!" you called. The two came racing over, eager to see their father in action. Whenever he was on the TV at home, they went ballistic whenever the camera focused on him.

                "There's Papa!" Nora called, pointing at her father as he exited the tunnel with the rest of his teammates. They were facing a relatively easy team so you hoped Nando scored, which would make your children's day. The game started without delay and Nando remained forward, waiting for a pass from a teammate. Atletico obviously dominated and you weren't worried.

                Whenever Nando touched the ball, your children would squeal in excitement which made you smile. Your children absolutely admired their father, seemingly putting him on a pedestal. Nando had the ball and passed it to a teammate who after faking out a defender, passed the ball back to Nando. Successfully getting past the defender on his side, Nando headed for goal. He shot the ball and it looked like it was going in until the keeper made a save.

                However, a corner kick was awarded. Standing in the goal box, Nando didn't take his eyes off the ball. Your children leaned forwards, trying to get a better view until you pulled them back by the backs of their shirts. The ball was crossed beautifully into the goal box. Your husband jumped up and headed the ball. It went towards the bottom left corner of the goal.

                As the ball touched the net, you and your children shot up screaming. Nando ran to the corner flag, sticking his thumb in his mouth. He pointed at your two kids who waved excitedly at their father before he was tackled by his teammates in celebration. "His big head was finally useful," you joked to yourself. The game continued.

                Atletico ended up winning 3-1. Getting the three points they needed to secure third place without a doubt, the team celebrated on the field. As people left the stadium, you headed towards the pitch, your children close to you. Nando saw you come down the steps and walked over to you and your kids. Pulling your son onto the pitch and then your daughter, Nando then turned to you. "Play with your kids, I'll wait here," you stated.

                "You sure?" he asked. You nodded. Sitting in one of the stadium chairs you smiled as the sight of your two children and their father playing on the pitch. Nando had a ball and passed it to Leo who kicked it back with all of the strength his little body could hold, falling down in the process, causing you to giggle at his clumsy ways.

                Nora laughed at her brother and helped him up. Nando walked over to his children before chasing them around the pitch. "He really is a good dad," you thought to yourself. "Hope he can handle three kids." You were pregnant again but you hadn't told anyone. Only you knew and you were going to get a formal examination later in the week.

                Then you would tell Nando about your little secret. But for the time being, you just smiled and watched your two children run around and goof off with their father. Now tired, your children trudged back over to you. Nando lifted them over the barrier and into your awaiting arms. "Meet you at home," he stated before kissing you. You children gagged.

                "Oh please, you'll be kissing girls someday too, Leo," you teased.

                In response, your son placed his hands over his mouth and shook his head in disgust. "I can't. That's what mommies and daddies do. And girls have cooties!" he replied indignantly.

                "Cootie touch!" Nora shouted, touching Leo's arm causing the boy to freak out.

                "Mama she gave me cooties!" Leo shouted.

                "No she didn't, she gave you sister germs," you smiled, leading your children to the car. All the way, Leo complained about cooties. Smiling back at your children in the mirror you imagined another little one in the backseat with them. "Life's just going to be perfect," you thought before driving off.

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