Mario Gotzë [~] Gunshots and Revenge

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For Molly: Mario Gotzë

Molly had been at the park when it had happened. She was walking through the quiet trails by herself when a masked man stepped out onto the path. Molly stopped, backing up slightly until a gun was drawn and aimed at her. "I'm going to make this real simple, Princess. You do as I say or you get shot, clear?" the masked man asked gruffly.

Molly nodded slowly, unsure of what to do. Running would be stupid, he would just but a bullet in her back. She couldn't attack him, he was nearly twice her size and she wasn't armed with anything other than her car keys. Screaming for help wasn't an option either, he'd probably shoot her if she even spoke a word to him.

"Toss me the purse," the masked man motioned to the handbag Molly had in her possession. It was small and relatively worth nothing, she had gotten it at a tag sale during her travels. Moving the strap off her shoulder, she tossed the man the purse. He picked it up, all the while keeping his eyes and gun trained on Molly. Gun still pointed her way, the man tossed her the purse. "Open it and lay the contents on the ground. Don't even think about hiding anything because if I look through there and see something you missed, it'll be a bullet through your head."

Molly unzipped the bag and lined up her possession on the ground in front of the man. She had forty Euros on her, her credit card, some makeup, some accessories, a few tampons, her ID, and a few gift cards. She didn't keep a lot in the purse because she only used it when she went out for a stroll in the park, and there was no need to drag a huge, expensive purse around the cold Munich park.

"Stand up. And take off all your jewelry!" the man demanded, waving the gun wildly at her. Placing her earrings and bracelet on the ground, Molly stood straight once more. The man gave her one last glance before bending down and scooping up everything with value to it. Shoving it into his pocket, he backed away from Molly, who still stood stiffly. "Oh, and one more thing, dear. A parting gift." The man's face produced a twisted smile which made Molly suffer involuntarily. A gun shot rang out.

Meanwhile, Mario jogged around the field with his teammates, cooling down after a rather tough set of exercises. "Alright, target practice boys. You know the drill!" Mario walked over to the goal, chatting with a few of his teammates when a police officer walked through the door, entering their training ground. All the players and staff stopped what they were doing as Pep went over to see why the police officer had interrupted their practice. "Mario!" Pep called, after chatting with the police officer for a moment.

Mario raised an eyebrow, sharing looks of confusion with his teammates before jogging over to the police officer. "Yes?" he asked, as he drew near.

"Are you Mario Gotzë?"

"Yes," Mario repeated.

"Do you know this woman?" the officer held out a driver's license. Grabbing it from the officer's hand, Mario stared down at the familiar face printed on the ID.

"Yes, this is my girlfriend Molly's driver's license. Why do you have it?" Mario questioned, concern leaking into his voice as a few other players walked over to Mario.

"I'm afraid your girlfriend has been hurt, Mr. Gotzë."

"Hurt?! How, what's wrong?!?"

"She was walking through the park at the outskirts of Munich this afternoon by herself. On the trail she was walking on, a jogger reported hearing a gun shot before finding Molly with a gunshot wound in her abdomen. We apprehended a man that was seen fleeing the area and we're waiting for Molly to be able to identify the man that shot her," the officer filled in Mario.

"Can I see her? Now?" Mario asked, not even in the right frame of mind.

"We'll come with you Mario, you're in no state to drive yourself anywhere," Thomas replied, placing a comforting hand on the younger man's shaking shoulder. All Mario could do was nod as Thomas and Manuel pulled him towards his car. They drove to the hospital and took an elevator up to the ICU where Molly laid in bed. An oxygen mask was over her mouth and nose but her eyes were cracked open.

As Mario walked into the room, she turned a pained gaze over to him. Mario's face fell once he saw how broken she looked. Walking to her side, he took her hand and rubbed it with his thumb as he lightly ran his fingers through her tangled hair. Molly had identified the man based upon height, voice, and what he was wearing when he was apprehended.

Court day had come and Mario sat beside Molly in the court room as the trial progressed. The bastard that had hurt Molly, his Molly, kept smirking whenever he laid eyes on her huddled figure. She was off the oxygen mask but secluded to a wheelchair because the doctors were worried that if she walked, she would reopen the bullet hole, which hadn't completely healed.

"Mr. Übbersom, do you recognize this woman?" the attorney pointed to Molly.

"I do," the man replied.

"And where do you recognize her from?"

"I think I saw her around once or twice when I was walking through the park. We passed by each other once or twice."

"Lies," Mario growled, clenching the arm of his chair tightly. Molly placed a calm hand on his tense one, which instantly calmed him. The case was closed for the day. Mario stood behind Molly's wheelchair, the both of them discussing Molly's testimony for tomorrow when the creep passed by the couple. Molly visibly recoiled, which deepened the man's smirk.

"Funny seeing you here, Miss," the man drawled, staring down at Molly. Mario moved to stand in between Molly and the man that had hurt her faster than either of them could blink.

"Don't talk to her, not after what you did," Mario growled at the man, warning him.

"I don't know what you're talking about, young man. I'm afraid that your girlfriend that's hiding behind you is a liar—" Before the man could finish his sentence, Mario's fist connected with the man's jaw. Police officers got in between the two. The man shot one last lingering look at Molly before disappearing around the corner.

"You shouldn't have done that, Mario," Molly sighed.

"I shouldn't have, but since when am I one to follow rules?" Mario sighed, sparing Molly a small smile. Molly smiled back as Mario wheeled her out of the court room.

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